Wednesday, September 15, 2010

yoga flow

Yesterday was the first morning yoga class after a summer hiatus. The class is right in my neighborhood which makes it incredibly easy to attend and I adore our teacher. Yoga is;

a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation.

As "Saufung" was adjusting me in a posture, I realized how much I missed her over the summer and her beads. She is always wearing some sort of lovely necklace which radiates joy and sparkle. Yesterday's class, the lesson was to let go in a posture of what you are holding onto - and to find the force of the "flow." It sort of made no sense until I got home and then had an "aha" moment.
I am not the only one who loves finding the creative force through the discipline of yoga, sparkle gems and groovy beads.
I remembered the artwork I had done for another yoga devotee who found the force of the flow of yoga which gave her creative business a focus.
A few years ago, this lovely lady asked me to illustrate her "story" to use on her site and on some mailing brochures. Yoga was the force that gave Margaret the inspiration to create "Bhati Beads."
Take a look at her site and you will love her beads, silk wraps, prayer boxes and laid back sexy stuff which have graced the cover(s) of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.
Bhati Bead silk wraps come in an array of yummy colors.
Look at her arm, adorned in Bhati Beads,as seen on the cover of Sports Illustrated.
This was the "final" artwork used on her about page.

Do you have an about page?
What would it say about you and your story? Is there a discipline that you practice that you honor?
Has the discipline of yoga or another forceful flow helped you to find your creative focus?
Love to hear all about your story!



насыщенный блог))

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of yoga as well. I have been going to hata yoga classes for over two years now, but still feel like a beginner... I love triangles, nothing gives more energy!

Marnie said...

i really enjoyed this post - what a clever way to tell a story- l

The Lances said...

love the yoga lady! she makes me wanna streeeeeeetch!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful way to share your story/life. I've yet to try yoga but it's on my list....

pve design said...

I wish I could read your comment....your work is lovely. I visited your very fashionable blog!

design traveller-
best to you with your hatha yoga journey.

you have an "about" too!
how about it?

yes, a brilliant comment all the way from bloody London. How's life?
Miss you all here. Come back soon!

The Buzz Blog said...

Margaret sounds like a lovely person to know! Yoga is an amazing way to stretch the body and the mind - time to go unkink myself!

Emily said...

So creative - I felt the peace and flow from this entry. And I LOVE how you did Margaret's story within your art.
Adore the yoga girl at top of post.
Have a pretty day!

Formerly known as Frau said...

I hope to get in shape enough to enjoy the benefits of yoga! I did just sign up for Zumba class i'm excited about that. Gorgeous beads, love the bright colors!

Kwana said...

These are such light and spiritual illustrations. I remember the fun you had doing them for her. Bhati Beads are wonderful. I think I'd love some for myself. Maybe some meditation beads for quiet moments of silence.

I do have an about page which talks about my so so exciting life as a writer, mother, knitter, tv watcher. LOL.

Gretchen O. said...

I am stuck when it comes to my about page...maybe I need to channel some yoga to figure it out. My mom is a yogi, and teaches. I have fallen out of practice (that discipline thing again:) Maybe I should start it up again, so I can become enlightened "about me"! Those beads are gorgeous (just like the person who creates them:) --gretchen o.

Unknown said...

I'm jumping up and down!!!! I was in yoga class yesterday thinking...I haven't really written about it on the blog. I think I've been waiting for the right inspiration, b/c as you know, it's a huge source of inspiration for me.

Love these illustrations...and am all over those bracelets.

You have touched so many people, Patricia....and I'm touched to see this all come full circle for you.


Gwen Driscoll said...

Just getting back into my exercise routine too and my mind is so much clearer! Love yoga, haven't been back to that yet but I'm getting there. Talk to you very soon.

jvw home said...

I'm a huge fan of yoga. Great relaxation, yet such a great form of exercise.

Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

Love yoga and try to practice at a studio at least one day a week. Your illustrations are beautiful and I love those bands!!! I need to check out her site.


Dana said...

Love yoga - do it everyday! Love, love, love these illustrations. ...and love these silk wraps. Now, I am off to look at this website and maybe order some.


Summer is a Verb said...

I luuuv Bhati Beads and have quite a few bracelets. Of course you did her illustrations!!! What a perfect marriage! Btw, speaking of beautiful illustrations, did you a certain summer themed one flash across the screen on Nightline last Thursday night hmmmm??? XXOO

Stitchfork said...

LOL - if I did yoga, it would definitely not look like flowing! And yes, I do have an about page - I'm a rule follower who likes to break rules.

Susan McClaskey said...

I have tried yoga, once, but didn't continue. I'm a walker, usually in the early morning. It clears my head, I set my agenda for the day, AND get a little exercise. Whatever works for you...

Unknown said...


Love Yoga. September is National Yoga Month and there is nothing better than the combo walking in early a.m. and yoga at the 3 p.m. slump mark. Great post for story telling.

About me is continual discovery and learning about me and others because we reflect what we are.


DolceDreams said...

What gorgeous illustrations and love her work! I am in desperate need of getting back into a yoga regime ~
Maybe I should get off of the computer and get at it now!!
(after i peek at your friend's shop)

Mona Thompson Providence Ltd. said...

First of all, I'm so jealous of your talent. Your illustrations are fabulous! And on the subject of yoga, I have really been wanting to try either yoga or pilates? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

LPC said...

I was doing yoga regularly, and then travel and illness knocked me off track. I will back, any day now. And I do really like your work.

Punctuation Mark said...

i love your illustrations... will email you soon about a fun little project i'm putting together... have a nice one!

Vanessa@decor happy said...

As I sit here with RSI setting in from frequent mouse-clicking (yes, really!), I'm thinking I need to practice yoga again. I used to teach and am certified - just need to make it part of my day again.

Love your illustrations and those beads!

I'm in a blogging e-course right now and they talked about the importance of an "about" page - need to get on that too! (I'm glad I stopped by)


North of 25A said...

I was completely obsessed with Bikram yoga for about two years; I went almost every day. Amazing. Then I went back to work... It is a time consuming practice and I have just fallen off my OM altogether.

Megan said...

Yoga helps me relax but also frees my mind to be more creative. Its like hitting pause and refreshing... I love your story too!

LindsB said...

Beautiful artwork as usual! And those arms, I need to get my arms in that kind of shape for my wedding. I need to get my butt in a yoga studio pronto.

Ampersand Design said...

Your illustrations are gorgeous as always.

Just looking at them brings serenity to me. No need for yoga! ;-)

As for what I do to give me creative energy and focus, I take a break from my reality ie. my day job. It's great as a refocus and to get me motivated to change direction.

Sandy K

Unknown said...

Dearest friend, you put it in the nicest possible way in words and pictures... so sweet these illustrations!
I miss our yoga class and I guess next week I will be able to join again.

PS: The translation for Sofia's comment is: Saturated blog!
