Saturday, September 04, 2010

saturday secrets

I did say I was signing off, but before I go, let me share a few saturday secrets.
clever secrets, silly.
It's no secret that times are changing. I wish I had one of these items when I had babies.
Quite a splash on any counter. It is a bottle dry station. The brush is hidden in the center for cleaning the bottles. ("Splash" found at target)
I found one of these Moleskines. It will be my back-to-school wellness note-book.
A beautiful box of these jewels arrived and the designer blogs here on monkey grass hill.

The stones have secret wellness wishes.
My secret stash for gifting. Shhh, please don't give-away all my secrets.
Great gifts for teachers, friends, family.
This sweet blog gal had a small swell birthday at home.

Just thought I would let you "be in on a few secrets."

I was never very good at keeping secret finds all to myself.
Would you like Saturday secrets to be a weekly post or shall I just keep it a secret?


Marnie said...

wow - you are up early - enjoy the end of summer - beautiful cool air up our way this AM

Debra said...

I will always lend an ear to a 'secret'! Have a Happy Holiday Weekend!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Happy last bit of summer, hope you and your family enjoy! Love the bracelets!

pve design said...

early bird gets the worm, right?
hope you are well!

I like secrets, especially when they involve celebrations.

knew you would love those bracelets- perfect gifts for daughters, sisters and fraus!

Gretchen O. said...

yes please:) What pretty necklaces...lucky you and the recipients of the gifts:) off to check out her blog. Thanks for sharing on your "off" day. Have a great weekend. --Gretchen o.

Gwen Driscoll said...

Yes, I love being let in on a secret! Hope you are well.

Moments and Impressions said...

Saturday morning Michael takes our little Eva for a walk and I get coffee and the computer.

I would love some secrets from you on a Saturday.

And where was that bottle rack when I was looking for one??

have a great weekend.

ACH said...

I agree! Keep the secrets!

I wish we had that "Splash" when I was a nanny! But it might be a bit early to pre-order it (the wedding's not till June ;)!)

I also love the new Moleskins! They have lots of very helpful looking new journals.

Have a great weekend!

Susan McClaskey said...

My interest always perks up at the word "secret!"

Purple Flowers said...

I am known to be an excellent secret keeper.
Good post!

A Perfect Gray said...

loved those...keep it coming!

lisaroy said...

who doesn't want to hear a secret??
have a great long weekend of summer! :)

Jeanne Henriques said...

Love the idea of Saturday Secrets! I especially love the back to school wellness journal!

Jeanne :)

Jeanne Henriques said...

Love the idea of Saturday Secrets! I especially love the back to school wellness journal!

Jeanne :)

Mrs. Blandings said...

Weekly! I love it.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

you can always count me in to indulge in a few secrets!

pve design said...

I have a "secrets" file tucked away for my weekly post. Let's hope I find some surreptitious finds along the way.

kayce hughes said...

Love the idea of Saturday Secrets!

LPC said...

I think a weekly post would be lovely.

traci zeller designs said...

Weekly, for sure! I'm all about sharing secrets. ;-)

Unknown said...

Psst...Ms. PVE one of your secrets is you can't really sign off...
Saturday Secrets sound exciting,
looking forward to it.

Chedva @Rooms and Words said...

Yes, please share more secrets.
I think I may NEED that notebook. Have you seen their "book" notebooks? Ideal gift for my bff's birthday (or myself).

North of 25A said...

I love secrets and surprises, so please do. Happy Labor Day!

la la Lovely said...

Doesn't that party look fab? I have that very bottle drying rack. I do like it quite a lot. That is until I found this one. Which I now want but obviously, so don't nee.

Happy Weekend!
x trina

Dovecote Decor said...

Yes! Saturday secrets, and we will all share--delicious! My best secret is a system that really worked for me when the girls were small. They were starving after school, and were filling up with snacks, then--not eating dinner. It infuriated me as I always prepared large family dinners, so I turned the tables, or courses so to speak. I made the big family dinner at 3:30 for the second they came home from school, and they ate everything with seconds. Then we were all prepped and ready to eat with their father when he came home. They pulled up to the table with ice cream, and we had better conversation!

paula said...

Thanks for including me! Love being part of a secret.

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Love when others share secrets! ;)

Aspiring Kennedy said...

love the secrets... the bottle washer is cute enough to have even if you aren't a mom yet. :)

i love that you went to portugal for your honeymoon. it's awesome here. you are now that much cooler in my books!! great choice. :)

annechovie said...

Love your saturday secrets! Hope you have a very enjoyable Labor day! xx