Monday, September 27, 2010

map it out

Maps on the wall hung as a cohesive collection look so pulled together.
Maps show where one has been and where one is going.
A map of Paris "arrondisements" in black and white look tres chic!
A vintage calendar map to map out 2011.
I can hardly wait to get lost and map something out for some vintage maps to come my way that I won from domestic ease.

Some of you may remember getting lost in the car with maps spread open. When was the last time that you had to map it out to get to your destination?

top image House Beautiful, 2nd and 3rd from my files, 4th from domestic ease~


Kayla said...

I have thought about how to incorporate a map into my home for a long time. That dresser project might be calling my name now.

Ramblings of a Small Town Girl

Tonia Lee Smith said...

I have a bunch of maps that I picked up here and there. This is fabulous inspriration to do something with them.

Mariska Meijers said...

would be perfect for my sons room!

debra @ 5th and state said...

since childhood i have loved to study maps in the car and could be entertained quietly, imagining where i would travel or live, town names.... actually nothing has changed......still doing that.

but vintage maps? now that adds another dimension of adventure. congrats on your win!

Purple Flowers said...

I love to pull the local maps out of the trunk of my car and look at them. We also have an map atlas (book style) that depicts all US states and Canada. And to top it, we have an atlas globe of the world that lights up.
I think maps are incredibly interesting and eye-opening! I don't mind not having a GPS in my car; I love maps!!

FABRICOTTI notperfectbutnice said...

Great ideas!

Formerly known as Frau said...

My neighbor is crazy about maps, she had one out yesterday showing me her summer travel plans. We haven't used a map in years while driving thanks to GPS. Last map used was in Paris with my sister.

jacjewelry said...

These are fantastic! I love maps. All sorts of maps. Now that are car-free, we usually don 't drive around with open maps, but we do look up directions to places online (love Hopstop for subway directions). Happy Monday!

Gretchen O. said...

I am STILL a map GPS for me. Call me old fashioned! There is something about the prospect of getting lost and finding your way back. Even if I DO end up late. Have a great Monday. --Gretchen O.

Kwana said...

I love maps hung. You've reminded me I have a subway map I want to hang thanks.

Janell @ House of Fifty said...

Love maps and seeing how to incorporate them into decor, love the dresser!! Janell

Unknown said...

I am tethered to me navigation system!!! Love maps - on walls, on dressers, on globes. They lead the way!! xoxo

Unknown said...

Loving that Paris map as well~

Joyce said...

I have been thinking of putting a map on one of our walls. I really like the first one you posted. xo

Southern Lady said...

Cool ideas...the first one is my favorite. Carla

~Grace Happens~ said...

love this! my sons room has many vintage maps hanging all around. I just love it!

thank you so much for your sweet comment today! and congrats on your win over at domestic ease. very cool!



The Buzz Blog said...

If I had the Paris map, it would be covered in thumbtacks marking all my favorite haunts!

LindsB said...

I just put a Boston T map on this white box I had around the house- I love maps!

Since I have this map feature on my phone I have not used the old paper kind in quite some time- but I still seem to get lost when using the digital one :)

North of 25A said...

My GPS changed my life; and I am not even kidding. I used to leave myself travel time to get lost. I am reading map challenged, but I love that dresser. I am sure you will do something amazing with new your map treasures.

Shorely Chic said...

i Love the maps hung as a collection - never thought of doing it that way and it's a good way to get around the $$$ of framing such a large piece!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Terrific, way to have a big statement and it always looks chic. I just saw some fantastic art at an artwalk in Birmingham, AL. The artist used maps as collages in her art. So many uses for a map. Are they a dying art with the advent of the GPS, I don't even know if I have a map anymore.

Pat said...

Sunday ... to find the soccer field, well I printed it out but it was a map. Just posted about our boys' room and their chests with maps on the front.

Pat said...

PS loved Baxter!

Sitting In A Tree Kissing said...

Oh wow! I just love all of this . . . maps are always a great decorating touch . . . but this just takes it one step further!!

Moments and Impressions said...

I am a firm believer in paper... I hate the idea of kindle-like items and google maps replacing paper. I just bought a new atlas in protest a month or so ago.

designchic said...

Love the map collection in the first image...wonderful!

Hamptontoes said...

I am beyond a fan of maps in a home. Maps tell such an amazing story in a home. A client and I just completed a wall map of her family's travels. Hmmm...the last time I had a map out to get to a destination was quite some time ago...the nav system has replaced the paper map for me or flying!

quintessence said...

One of my favorite all-time looks! Remember Charlotte Moss' Colorado house with all those maps in the hall - fabulous! And my old powder room has spectacular wallpaper that was an old map of Paris that enveloped the room - you'll see if I ever get around to doing that post!

Sensible Footwear said...

Old maps are endlessly fascinating. And I love the one you've shown of Paris - makes me want to go there and explore!

Susan McClaskey said...

I am hopeless when it comes to directions, map or no. A couple of years ago my daughter took pity on me and bought me a GPS for my car. It's so empowering! I'll go anywhere now! But I do love the look of framed maps.

momerati said...

I love the Paris map!