Monday, September 06, 2010

Happy Labor Day

Labor Day is a glorious holiday because your child will be going back to school the next day. It would have been called Independence Day, but that name was already taken. ~Bill Dodds

Happy Labor Day to each of you !


Unknown said...

Happy Labor Day, PVE,

Purple Flowers said...

Enjoy your day Patricia with whatever you choose to do!

JMW said...

Great quote! Happy Labor Day - enjoy the rest of the long weekend!

The Buzz Blog said...

Back from the beach and am laboring to get all the little things done before school starts tomorrow. Hope you have a great one!

Unknown said...

Great quote! Seriously almost posted this exact same image today...what does that mean? :)

Kellie Collis said...

Have a wonderful day!! Kellie xx

style chronicle said...

Happy Labor Day to you too! Hope you enjoy a relaxing day off!

Karena said...

Patricia thank you for all you do to inspire us all!!

Art by Karena

quintessence said...

so funny and so true!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love that! I'm looking forward to the return of school. Structure is good I need it and she needs it! Happy Labor day to you and your family.

Kwana said...

Happy Labor day to you and the family!