
Thursday, September 16, 2010

global shopper

I love how the internet has made shopping the globe much easier. Constantly, I stand in awe of the connections that I have made around the globe with clients. The above artwork was created for "The Global Shopper." Imagine yourself atop of the world shopping and scouting for far away finds. It is rather fun to think of my very own artwork scattered about the globe and not all in my own backyard.

Nothing like sitting on top of the world and letting your imagination run wild.
Tell me your virtual global shopping wish list?
This is for all of you who have a passion for purveying and procuring!


  1. My list is long but not specific. Just constantly looking for something wonderful. Mainly for clients, though every once in a while I just can't restrain myself. Your a real talent and I'm not surprised your work is all over the globe. Thanks for commenting and sharing some of your secrets for staying in shape. I've definitely got to take more time for me and get back on a program. XO Mona

  2. Mona,
    Give yourself a gift of staying fit for your clients who rely on the best you! Your work must take you to far-away places.

  3. Am not keen on shopping online - I find unsual treasures in Paris - makes life alot easier;-)

  4. Fashion, Art and other fancies-
    Just yesterday a package arrived that I had ordered as I begin to think about my holiday giving and it was so fun to know that I did not even have to leave my home or come home empty handed.
    I can stay in budget when I shop on-line! Try it.
    Now, shopping for treasures in Paris, who can argue that?

  5. Gramercy Home -
    Were your ears burning the other day? A designer called to inquire about some artwork and she said she loved your shop! How's that for global shopping?
    I am dreaming of "matouk" bedding....

  6. I would have to say the Lebanese food at Al Diwan in Paris is amazing - would it be fun if you could have it delivered overnight as take-out?

  7. Buzz-
    You are making me hungry as I have a light lunch of fresh peaches and yogurt!
    Shopping for food and flowers online is a luxury!

  8. How many times do we need to tell you how talented you are?! LOVE the girl & the globe! Great post too!



  9. Terrific illustration! I love how global everything is becoming, just in my short 6 months of having a blog, I have global followers. It is truly amazing. Great post:)

  10. Eddie -
    I feel the same about you my dear, I feel that I can never say enough complimentary about you and Sir Jaithan too!
    Happy Autumn~

  11. I'm always scouting. Online. On trips. On errands. But, I have found that I like more than I can keep for myself. Maybe one of these days I'll turn that "habit" into a profession!!

  12. EMB-
    My Father always told me that when you do what you love, it never feels like work! Follow your heart all around the globe, purveying treats - we know you will share your finds.

  13. Love, love, love this illustration. The colors, the style, the content - perfection!

  14. Your work is fantastic! I love shopping for all sorts of things all over the world on Etsy!

  15. what great artwork! She looks so classy and timeless, driving flats, white, crisp button down and gold jewelry.

    I am on the hunt for an dining table. I want something weathered and worn. Something old, or made from something old.

    The things so far I have liked are either new (made to look old) or out of budget right now. But the hunt is half the fun right?

  16. The world really is at our fingertips- and credit cards too :)
