Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Today, many children shall be "desk-bound" as they start the new school year.
During my day, I too shall spend bits bound to my desk or table to work on some new projects.
Nothing like a fresh start and a modern desk from which to work.
seven, B&B Italia 2008 - images from design traveller


Anonymous said...

Could be nice if you mentioned at you found the photos at my blog...

Mariska Meijers said...

Same here! Enjoy your new projects x

pve design said...

design traveller,
shall mention you my dear.

you too, new projects are the best!

Anonymous said...


Hamptontoes said...

Those tables are great work stations. The clean spaces and lack of clutter are good for the mind!

Purple Flowers said...

We must balance the "desk bound" afterward with jumping around. It's good for the mind, body and soul!

The Buzz Blog said...

Given that my kids have Thursday and Friday off this week, I don't know how much "desk time" they'll be doing this week. But I'm getting back to work today!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Hope your kids have a great first day!

Kwana said...

I think we all will be desk bound. Time to get back to the grind.

Unknown said...

Beautiful desk. Fresh start and new beginnings -- always exciting and challenging.
Have a good one,

Sylvia Dziuba said...

Love the wall hanging in the first pic

JMW said...

Gorgeous desk! What a great space in which to create!

Beth Dunn said...

Maybe I need a new desk to get me motivated!

Splendid Willow said...

Happy new school days -- to the entire family!

My kids are also back in school and I am slowly returning to blog land...

Slow is hardly a word that goes hand in hand with you and your daughter. Fast you are! Congratulations on the medals!

Love to you, Mon


Unknown said...


Well it's all good and we feel better once the routine is established.


Gwen Driscoll said...

so wish i had that clean space in the second image from which to work! have a great week.

Anonymous said...

I love the desk, now to find the perfect location for it!

Brooke @ Blueprint Bliss said...

Wish I had a clean desk... mine is a complete mess. I might just have to spend the afternoon organizing it while the little one naps.