
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

play house

I happened upon this illustration which I had done some time ago. For those of you that are visiting for the first time, then let me explain my fascination with homes. I am full of intrigue for small cottages as well as large estates.

I would love to have a cottage near the ocean or in the woods to play house in.....How about you, which one would you prefer, by the sea or on tucked in the woods?

happy packages

"testimonial from a satisfied customer"
Thank You! The package arrived over the weekend. Loved the note
cards!! Can't wait to send out some notes. They are so beautiful, I
may frame one for my desk. The packaging was amazing, so much
attention paid to details. Thank you for the extras! It was a joy
to receive the package, best purchase I have made in a while. I will
order again!!

Thanks to each of you for happy feedback and of course for your support~

Monday, August 30, 2010

on the fence

There is something so charming about a fence or a gate that is so inviting. I still love this little illustration that I did before I began blogging. For me it is so symbolic of wanting to open or enter the gate to the other side of becoming a blogger, rather than just being on the outskirts and leaving random comments. This is to those of you that are on the fence, what are you waiting for? To those of you that are bloggers, what was it on the other side that finally convinced you to open the gate, and begin to blog?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday shelf - on a slant

Artwork of James Kenistion, Commision of Greece Consulate
Three of his works depicting San Fransico will be on view. Take a look at his work here.
for those of you that are able to make it to Jame's show, please send him my best regard.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

sleep on it

My Mother always told me there was nothing like a good night's rest or to "sleep on it" to make it all better. She would always tell me that hunger or lack of sleep were the root of most problems. Funny how Moms are such hands on experts.
Even funnier is that I have passed this down to my children, telling them they are hungry or tired. Nothing like a good nights sleep.
The ladies at Gramercy are also sleep experts.
Can you imagine devoting yourself to a business of "sleeping on it."
I love how one's own dreams take shape and I welcome "Gramercy" as a new sponsor.
Sleeping late will have new meaning now.
Take a look at the site here and the blog here.
top image from here

Friday, August 27, 2010

lucky lauren

Congratulations to lucky Lauren-

aka "Aspiring Kennedy" - She was randomly selected to win the JMcLaughlin tote. Please congratulate Lauren and send her a "cheers" as she moves to Oxford today. Lauren, let me know where to send your orange tote. Lauren's lifestyle blog inspired by Norheastern privilege will soon be inspired with a British accent.

Wishing you all the best in England.

market research

Friday is my day of the week for a bit of "market research."
Something tells me that a bunch of these are needed for the office.
Care to join me in a little research?
Nothing like stepping away from the desk on a friday.
Firstly, I seem to be drawn to an array of such gorgeous colors.
I think my customers like the taste of a little color too.
Red, Orange, Yellow's give me a "pep" talk and tell me, "buy me."
Fresh roasted peppers really taste best.
Then the smell of freshly baked breads stand at my attention.
My clients love fresh bread. Who am I kidding, I love it too.
My research tells me that they love "bruschetta" - "salsa" - and "gazpacho" too.
Hope you have a chance to conduct your own market research and bring home some samples to share with your little or big markateers.
What sorts of market research do you do?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

house guest

A client came to me with a special request for artwork of a home where she had been a house guest. What a lovely way to say thank-you. If you have stayed in hotels lately, one quickly finds out just how expensive they can be. If you have had the pleasure of being a guest and need a custom hostess gift, why not thank your family or friends with something they will cherish long after you have left. The gift of art lives on to be admired by the host and future guests for years to come.

can do

"An artist cannot do anything slovenly." (Jane Austen)
mug found here on etsy from "Brookish"~
I am here to tell you that an artist can so do things slovenly but end up hating it and then having to start all over again.
Is it me or are all artists our own worst critics? There is a fine line of cannots and can toos.
I think I need this mug as a reminder that a cannot can so easily be transformed into a can too.

Are you a cannot or a can do?
Let's not let a bit of anything slovenly cramp our style.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

rosy cheeks

Compliments give me rosy cheeks.
I can't help it, I blush so easily.
With the Fall season en route, I shall miss all the profusion of Summer blush pink blossoms along with the
ruddy cheeked students who leave for college, a little pink behind the ears, excited to open new doors to the love of learning.
Before school starts, one last party al fresco.
There is something so sweet about this pretty and pink innocent patio.
A last slice of watermelon anyone? A final glass of rose wine?
Let's toast to Summer's finale!
Closing the door to pink and to summer.
Perhaps I have been eating too much pink cotton candy.
Too much of a good thing makes me feel a bit queasy so I reach for the pink pepto-bismol bottle. Gulp.
Blame it on the pink peppermint salt water taffy.
Add some orange to spice things up and I am feeling so much better.
Love the merry orange rug below.
There, I feel better already. Did you see this brilliant room?
All that pink was a bit like a sugar high.
Too much of a good thing.
A nap on this pink pillow would be sweet dreams.
Are you feeling as rosy as I after all this pink?

Do you blush over the littlest compliment?
Thanks to Seleta
(check our her new and improved blog)
to the ladies at Diane James Home.
Thanks for my rosy cheeks today.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ivory tower

Love to have a little priviledged spot like this to find a moment of peace in my day. The end of Summer and the start of Autumn always feels like one is shifting gears into a higher speed. How nice would it be to just lock a few minutes of the day for a private time to pamper and ponder. How do you find time in your day for a little "me" time?

Monday, August 23, 2010

tote-ally (tote giveaway)

I am totally head over heals for this "Aken tote" from J.McLaughlin and one of you will be a lucky winner. All you need to do is leave a comment (and your contact info) and what color you would want! This "orangey" color is new, but it comes in several other colorways to choose from. Green, Blue or Orange. Winner shall be randomly chosen and announced this friday, August 27th.

Comment by August 26th to enter this special give-away. Thank-you to my sponsor J.McLaughlin for this very kind give-away.
Winner is:
Congrats to - Lauren from Aspiring Kennedy!

collectors collage

Years ago, I illustrated this work of art for the cover of a press kit for J.McLaughlin of the stores that they had at that time. I believe the store count was around a dozen. Currently, there are more than 40 stores scattered up and down the Eastern United States from Boston, New York, Nantucket, Palm Beach, Princeton, Charleston, Georgetown and The Hamptons and many more posh locales.

I began wondering about working on a collage of collectibles. I love collages, montages, decoupages and piecing things together. Then I thought suppose you had a collection of objects and you needed to take inventory, what about having them in a work of art. (Jewels, antiques, watches, wine, ribbons, medals, snuff boxes, silver, and the list goes on.)

What sort of brilliant collections do you have that would make a creative collage?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

bookish bee

Summer is a busy time and I always start off the Summer with the best intentions to read more. I envision myself as a book worm or a bookish bee and then life takes hold with such a fervor that all my list of reads buzzes around me until I finally settle down to read. Just like a bee to a flower. I was drawn to this graphic cover.

One book that I just finished reading is a contemporary novel "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave and I shall never quite look at my passport the same, nor my name. Have you read "Little Bee?" Part of me wants to believe that novels like this are purely fictional, although cruelty like this exists in our world however friendships and empathy can make life changing goals in regards to one's human rights.

Between the raw flashbacks throughout the story and little boy Charlie running about in his batman costume, my emotions were caught at full attention. This is a read that will make you stand a bit taller and want to do something better, at least it affected me in this way.
What are you reading now? "Little Bee" would be a great read for a book group to share. Do you read contemporary novels or just classics?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happy 62nd Anniversary

My parents 62nd anniversary is today. Last year they were part of this article here. As one of seven, each of my siblings marvel at how loving and giving they are. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. May you have a wonderful day today. The illustration was done by Christine Borders, one of my Mom's friends who has been married 75 years. I have some tough acts to follow, right?

Please leave a comment and I will make sure to give them to my "folks"- they will value each of your lovely words. I had at first said it was the 63rd anniversary, it is only the 62nd - but one more year for good "luck!" Thanks again for your comments!

Friday, August 20, 2010

summer souvenirs

With Summer vacations about to come to an end, one way to hang on tight to the memories are to create your very own Summer albums as a souvenir keepsake.
A binder can be a great way to collect all the little pieces of paper from one's travels. This can provide a great reference for future travels. I love to look back and see what things cost and what places you want to return to. I keep a zip-lock bag on my trip and at the end of the day drop the receipts and any notes to help jog my foggy bottom brain, so when I get home, I can arrange photos and snippets in an organized fashion.
(memories from Maine)
(last morning in Maine)
Collect these items along your travels;
paper placemats
sounds~ music

What sort of Summer Souvenirs do you enjoy saving from your travels?
top 2 images from Martha - photos from pve design travels

Saturday, August 14, 2010

recreation room

Time to make room for a little recreation.
I picture mornings that run into afternoons. No appointments, no clocks, just time to enjoy.
Summer seems to be melting away, so I will be taking some time off to enjoy the last bits before school starts.
Not to worry.

I travel with my sketch pad and watercolors.
Walks, nature, good food and family love.
Back soon.
Can you guess where we are headed? (No cheaters now.)

Friday, August 13, 2010

fresh coat fridays

My neighbors flew to California and asked me to keep an eye on their home for them. Like any good neighbor, I did just that. They do call me "Gladys" on the street. (as in Gladys from Be-witched)

They have three little ones and moved in four years ago. Little by little they have been making their home a nest and making great changes. When they moved in, they had two children. All are under the age of 6 now, so you can imagine how the house rocks and rolls.

They have been wanting to add a fresh coat of paint to the walls, but with three little one's - life is rather busy. So while the cat's were away, this mouse wanted to play and paint a fresh coat of paint to the dining room. I had the help of my painter - paint the dining room. The small swatch of color had been taped to the wall for months so it was easy, buy the paint, and my painter gave me a deal since he just completed a huge job for a client of mine.

I thought, my neighbors would a. hate me, or b. love me. How thrilled was I to know that when they came home to the fresh coat of paint, they were inspired to paint the front foyer, the living room, and the powder room. As you know, my mission is to design, create and inspire an artful life.

When was the last time you inspired someone to add a freshness to their life? Do you have a story you would like to share. Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me. It is after all contagious to inspire others to freshen up, especially on a friday.

Add a fresh coat to your friday! My inspiration came from here.
Live in the fun lane of life!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


One of my children is a "swimmeret."
Give her a pool and watch her swim.
She is a summer fish and loves to swim competively.
I have not added up the hours this summer, but between swim meets and practices, I think this swimmer has probably clocked enough laps to swim to Texas.
The love of pools, chlorine, swim suits, caps and goggles make my little fish very happy. Are you a swimmer or swimmeret?
Today - I wish all the swimmers all the best at The Westchester Swim Conference! Swim fast and have fun!

SR at home

Finished up some work for Sheridan Road Magazine and am excited to see it in the actual magazine. (SR at home is based in the midwest, in Chicago - one of my favorite cities!)
Hop on over and take a look at the site, lots of great stuff at Sheridan Road Magazine here.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


"All that glitters is not gold." proverb
Confetti literally translates to "sweets" as it was originally candy thrown at weddings.
My ten year old would love waking up in the land of glitter.
She can never quite get enough sparkly glitter or rainbow sprinkles on ice cream.

Is it just a girl's thing, but do you love glitter too?