
Friday, August 20, 2010

summer souvenirs

With Summer vacations about to come to an end, one way to hang on tight to the memories are to create your very own Summer albums as a souvenir keepsake.
A binder can be a great way to collect all the little pieces of paper from one's travels. This can provide a great reference for future travels. I love to look back and see what things cost and what places you want to return to. I keep a zip-lock bag on my trip and at the end of the day drop the receipts and any notes to help jog my foggy bottom brain, so when I get home, I can arrange photos and snippets in an organized fashion.
(memories from Maine)
(last morning in Maine)
Collect these items along your travels;
paper placemats
sounds~ music

What sort of Summer Souvenirs do you enjoy saving from your travels?
top 2 images from Martha - photos from pve design travels


  1. So much better than my plastic box of stuff. Get aways are such fun. You have a wonderful way to recall the joys of travel and holiday.

    What a sweet looking daughter.

    One of these days I will get around to having you do a drawing for me. I find your art work so enjoyable.

  2. I really should do something like that...I'm still trying to get my photo albums completed! I have stuff saved to scan into my computer so that I can add it to a photo album, but that has yet to occur. Thanks for the reminder to get going!

  3. What a wonderful way to keep the memories of sand between your toes alive... if only I could get myself organized to do so! Welcome back!

  4. Love that first image of the map album - so great. I save whatever I come across that will remind me of that particular place.

  5. I keep everything also from vacations. I have shoeboxes labeeled with each trip. I kind of like the randomness of just pulling it out and remembering

  6. Patricia, what great ideas! I still have all my little tidbits from Paris --- and this is prompting me to go get a book to put it all in!
    Enjoy your last moments in Maine!!
    xo Elizabeth

  7. I still like buying a postcard or two, in case the photos I took don't come out as planned.
    Our book is called "The Book of Us" and we use it to note our vacations and holidays.

  8. great idea on the scrapbook! I brought back this huge clamshell from the beach which I plan on attaching some cork feet and using as a soap dish. So many things to do with summer souveniers!

  9. That's a great list! This might sound a bit unusual, but i collect sand and usually some type of art indigenous to the area. Lovely photos too:-)

  10. I need to be better at this. Life flies by so quickly and I still have so many photo albums to complete. You have inspired me to record more...

  11. I haven't done this in years, though when I did I loved including tickets, stubs, metro passes, stuff like that...when I stumble across then now I see the effort is really worth it!

    Enjoy your weekend! Janell

  12. We had a friend that is a photographer come to our cabin for a day to document it for us. I am still waiting for the images but I know they will be amazing, and great for the boys to look back on when they get older.

  13. Welcome home! I love the idea of using the map.

  14. The zip lock bag idea has just changed my life - that is terrific. Mine always end up a jumble in my suitcase.

  15. What great ideas! I'm a bad collector because I always go through periods of puring little papers and such. BUT, I do enjoy getting a piece of art, jewelry, bowl or accessory during my travels and incorporating it into my home. Then I am reminded of that little shop, gallery, day, smell every day! P.S. Pretty pics of Maine.

  16. I always have great intentions of organizing souvenirs and pictures when I return from a vacation but I doesn't usually get done. I feel I've accomplished a lot when I get the pictures downloaded and organized in a folder on my computer!

  17. I always have every intention, maybe someday when I am more organized...welcome back. Hope you had a VERY relaxing time, and fun with the family. --Gretchen O.

  18. I'm with Mrs.B. on the zip lock...brilliant!

    Love the "last morning" photo. Looks like you were staying in a beautiful area, the porch is lovely.

  19. Your idea is a great one. I'll have to remember it for next summer. I take a lot of pictures, but I don't save many of the items that you mentioned. Now I will and will know what to do with them. Love that last picture! Carla

  20. Love this idea. This summer we came home with 86 pieces of sea glass. I found 4 and my son found the other 82! This was the most "we've" ever found on any beach vacation.

  21. Love making vacay albums but I'm years behind! Hope you are having a wonderful summer!

  22. Always shells and a million photos. Our kids are going to look back and think that all we did was go on vacation because that is the only time we take pictures.

  23. Oh I love Summer... and collecting sea shells...

  24. Such a great idea! When I cleaned out my mother's house I found an old album I had made when I was in Europe one summer during college, which had everything from museum and train tickets to postcards and photos. It was so wonderful to relive my travels and experiences, much of which I had forgotten.

  25. I took a binder on our family trip last year to Santa Barbara, and then forgot to take one when we went to Michigan. I love the idea.

    I've missed coming here. Don't know how I stayed away so long...

  26. Welcome back from vacation.
    Some years ago I put together a
    scrapbook of a cruise, including many of the items you listed.
