
Friday, July 02, 2010

organizer (give-away)

"Winner is Style Chronicle"
People know that I am a giver, an organizer and a self-starter. I found this lovely organizer over here. In an electronic world, I still take refuge in an old fashioned planner. Take a look at Natasha's shop and her work. I love the name, "bubbo-tubbo."

Natasha is also offering 20% off of all other things in her sweet etsy shop here.
I love this print, "I am so sophisiticated."
Reminders send good incentives.
Now what was that thing that needed organzing?
Winner shall be randomly selected July 6th.
Happy long weekend to each of you!

One more thing, please hop over here to leave a comment and enter the $500 Pottery Barn give-away!


  1. What a wonderful organiser. I'm great at procrastination - today I am in fete mode, so no organising just cake baking.

  2. Fabulous organizer, and yes we all know that I am a procrastinator, and I'm always organizing :-) Have a fabulous 4th of July weekend!

  3. Good morning, Ms. PVE,
    What a great idea, love the ruler.
    As a matter of fact I plan on organizing my desk.
    Have a Fabulous Fourth!!
    Best wishes,

  4. Barbara,
    Love to see your desk all organized!
    e-mail me a photo.

  5. Organizing clears the mind. I bought these wonderfull organizers in Venice. The artwork on the covers reproduces the modern mosaics present in the San Marco area. It makes my organizing an artform on itself.

    Just leaving a comment not enrolling in your fabulous giveaway.

    Have a wonderfull 4th of Juli weekend.

  6. It is simply satisfying to jot down a note, list, or thought on beautiful paper.
    My big project for this summer is to reorganize our paperwork ~ not exciting but necessary nonetheless.

    Have a great weekend~

  7. Jo-
    You are a teacher, right, so teach us how to organize papers? I could use you here!

  8. I'm organizing my drawing table to prep for two big projects. I use a vintage Coach organizer that I love- I've had it for years!
    Have a Happy July 4th weekend PvE!

  9. What a pretty organizer! This weekend I am going to try to organize my drop zone basket so that is no longer spilling over. It has been way too long since I looked at what is inside that basket!

  10. Love the organizer! I have been putting off organizing all the articles and photos from magazines I have clipped over the last couple years.

  11. impending houseguests next week FINALLY have me motivated to clean and organize my guest bedroom, a project that has been ignored for at least a year. lovely giveaway!

  12. So appropos...I have "get organized!!" on my list of things to do today! So I guess I will have to wait for my new organizer to get here before I can organize...hehe...did I say I was a procrastinator too! --G

  13. That is so cool. I really need to organize my desk today. It's getting a little messy. I love a good organizer.

  14. I am trying to get my boys organized so I can run off to visit my high school art teacher. It will be my first time back in a studio since college...11 years ago!

  15. Patricia, what a beautiful organizer!

    My house is pretty organized, but you should see my car... You would think it belonged to a professional hoarder and a Mom of 15 kids! That is my weekend project.

    Happy 4th to you!

    oxox, Mon

  16. Happy Independence Day Mrs.PvE!

    I'm a big fan of the little moleskine notebooks the size of my card case. I slip one into my back pocket for notes on the go. Aside from that and the social calendar, I'm a mess.

  17. lovely giveaway! I am organizing my kitchen! I am a follower!

  18. Oh, I love anything that helps me stay organized (which seems increasingly more difficult!) and this is such a stylish way to do it! xoxo Elizabeth

  19. My laundry room is I'm desperate need of organizing attention. I have stalled looking for the perfect laundry sorter...stainless, casters, and good quality canvas bags for holding the clothes. Happy organizing!! Heather

  20. a gorgeous organizer..would love to have it..will it work magical skills on eliminating MY procrastination..and enhance my organizational skills?
    have two MAJOR places..
    my CHAOTIC office..and the guest room which has become a place of nightmares rather than of slumbering bliss!
    now.. where to start?
    warm sandy hugs..

  21. That's a work of art, isn't it? Even though I depend so much on my blackberry, there's something so inviting and lovely about a paper planner.

  22. What a beautiful organizer! Can't wait to visit her site. Just the inspiration I need to keep going!

    I'm in continual organizing mode these days with the new, more art studio/office organization.
    Five art summer camps coming up and the art supplies are in desperate need of feeling settled (so am I).

    Have a fabulous Fourth!!!
    xo J~

  23. We just entered contract on a new home... bye bye one bedroom apartment! So I will be organizing everything... while trying to keep our little one happy - who is teething.

    I am really excited. Thanks Patricia - have a great holiday weekend!

  24. Adore the organizer! Just what I need now to organize my travels...

    Enjoy your long weekend too!

    XOXO ~ Victoria

  25. PVE,

    I'm organizing my computer, iPhone and my studio at the moment. Lots of sorting, organizing and pairing down.

    Every bit of organizing you do opens you up to more good in the near future.


  26. Drum roll please: the whole house! We have been painting and doing a few fix ups and I am organizing EVERYTHING, bathroom cabinets, file cabinets, a brand new linen closet, kitchen, building and organizing a hall message board so hubby won't forget, ha... a lot of work, but feeling very satisfied.

  27. It is funny, but I have been both organizing AND procrastinating today. Organizing lists of artowrks and their provenances, and procrastinating in between by reading wedding blogs...

  28. Now that I have a three day weekend in front of me and brand new bins from Target, I'm organizing a year's worth of school work that the boys inevitably dump on my desk on a weekly basis. The true question is what to keep??? Have a great 4th!

  29. I'm packing up my maternity clothes (yea!) to give to my sister-in-law who is expecting!!

  30. I'm procrastinating getting more organized! UGH, I am a mess...need all the help I can get in this dept.!

  31. Lovely organizer! I am organizing my thoughts and goals for the next year and trying to pinpoint how to get there.

  32. Great organizer. I am such a procrastinator! I did half of my desk today - I seem to move my piles around alot. Happy Birthday America!

  33. What I have to organize is a wedding for the 5th of September!

  34. Oh, I think I missed the giveaway deadline but I will through my hat in the ring anyways. I need all the organizing help I can get! What am I organizing? With four young ones I am constantly re-organizing EVERYTHING..the toy bins that never quite stay sorted, the paper trail that never ends, the clothing drawers that are constantly emptied and re-filled by little people who are looking for that certain shirt...

  35. Procrastination seems to be all around me lately.
    Yet to do the last two years worth of tax, government owes me money, so that's probably the reason they haven't thrown me in gaol as yet.
    The biggest task I really should tackle, is the organisation of the family photos. It's a shame that they are not in albums or on display but sitting in boxes in a closet.
    The list goes on and on, but today's aim was mainly to clean out the garage - yet to start and it's already 3.30pm!

  36. Love it!!

    I'm trying to organize all of the papers that have exploded on my desk. I'm not winning the battle today.

  37. What a great organizer. Great size for a carry along or great for sitting on my desk, which by the way needs to be cleaned up!
