
Thursday, July 15, 2010


Twiggy then.
Twiggy now.
Helen Mirren now. ( age 64)
Trisha Goddard, age 51 is glowing.
In a world obsessed with agelessness, what sorts of ageless qualities do you admire?


  1. Learning that it's really o.k. to say no. Finding balance and boundries in life-which makes us better and in the moment for ourselves and our loved ones. I think beauty comes from within. When we take really good care of ourselves on all fronts~ it comes through. Love the images that you have here- I used to have a Twiggy haircut...back then. And Helen is splendid.

  2. Debra,
    Balance at any age never grows old and saying No seems to get easier with age.
    I bet you are an ageless beauty too!

  3. A long time ago, a nun a had in high school told us that a great lady is always kind & I have never forgotten it. I also think that wisdom, which only comes with experience, is ageless - once you are of a certain age ;)

  4. My mother told me years ago that stretchmarks are signs of the sweet children we gave birth to and that wrinkles tell a story. It is nice to see women who are content with who they are.


  5. Kindness, grace,
    never forgetting
    what it was like
    to be a child and
    at the same time
    having empathy for
    ALL ages. Being
    open to trying NEW
    things and not thinking
    that the "old ways"
    are necessarily always
    better than the new ones.
    All of these ladies are
    just marvelous and
    an embodiment of the
    qualities I admire!
    xx Suzanne

  6. 25A-
    Kindness knows no age.

    I loved taking my Mom's hands in church and playing with her veins. She told me they were a sign of a lot of living and washing up!
    Mom's sharing ageless stories - love it.

    yep -oldies are goodies.

  7. i admire women that grow older gracefully, rather than trying to relive their teenage years. just let it be, and acceptance is a beautiful thing! jx

  8. Grace, kindness and thoughtfulness are ageless qualities that are always appreciated. May we all grow old graciously!

    xo Elizabeth

  9. Love in one's life, sharing and caring, gracefulness come through a person, and their eyes twinkle.

  10. Knowing that it doesn't matter what others think all the time. Accepting the wrinkles and sags as medals of honor. Never stop saying - what will I do next? And enjoy all the moments, big and small, with your loved ones.

  11. Twiggy is just stunning as she always has been. Have a sense of humor about everything. Trivial details are simply not as important as they used to be. I can now give a glorious dinner party without thinking about it for 6 months. xx's

  12. Beautiful women, I think a positive attitude and a energetic approach to life is what is ageless to me. Janell

  13. Aging gracefully--getting to the point where you're finally comfortable in your own skin. That's the beauty of aging for me. It's as though you're not trying to prove anything any longer. You can just take delight in the things that please you and hopefully spread a bit of your happiness to those you're around.

  14. Patience and kindness. As I'm growing older, sometimes I find that this is harder to hold on to than physical beauty.

  15. Woman are aging so gracefully, taking better care of ourselves. I love to see these mature woman looking so fabulous! Yes and balance is so important.

    Art by Karena

  16. Gorgeous choices! I admire my grandmother, age 83, and her desire for constant activity and motion. Half the time I call her, I'll remember she's out doing water aerobics at the pool! Sure, she loves her church brunches and her needlepoint, too — but I'm impressed by her active social life, continued desire to learn (she just bought her first computer!), and the fact that she's still very much got her wits about her. Great post!

  17. I hope I look half as amazing as these women do- they are stunning!

  18. Energy, grace, a beautiful smile. I think these things make a woman ageless.

  19. My oldest and dearest friend ODF and I used to draw fashion sketches in our marble covered notebooks. We drew Twiggy relentlessly, cut side burns, and piled on mascara. We dressed up as modly as we could with my Mother's 1950's trousseau. Now, its jeans and a t-shirt!!

  20. Smiling individuality!
    That's what I aspire to as I get older!

  21. My grandmother was so beautiful and natural. She is my inspiration for saying no to all of the botox etc.
