Wednesday, May 05, 2010

a place to bark

pve design -pet artwork, commissions upon request
Renee posted about gathering artwork for "A Place to Bark" in an effort to raise funds. She put the word out and I am wrapping up some artwork of some of my furry friends and sending them off today. Each day, I am loved - unconditionally by my sweet dog and I shudder to think of the countless dogs without a place to bark!


Karena said...

Adorable Patricia, what a great cause!

Art by Karena

Joyce said...

Thank you Patricia for doing this to reach out to others. Oooh.... my friend if only you knew what is going on at my house in less than 24 hours. LOL... There was a little one well not so little that was at a kill shelter ready to be put down yesterday when my love, my shining armor said he what does it take to foster... well... xo

Purple Flowers said...

Love your illustration. Have you seen the latest 44 cent stamps at the Post Office. They are pics. of dogs and cats. Part of the proceeds go to shelters - a great thing to support.

Deidra said...

I wanted a dog my whole life and since I've been married, my husband has given me four! I don't know where I'd be without a dog around. I am so glad to hear about this! I'd take all of the dogs and have them live in my house if I could.

The Shiny Pebble said...

Great cause! What we need is some serious rules against irresponsible breeding and teach our children the importance of spaying and neutering our dogs... off my soapbox now.

Hello Lover... said...

This is so sweet. We have two dogs and love them dearly, it makes me so sad to think of all the dogs out there without a home.

LindsB said...

Those animal cruelty commercials make me cry every time- I feel so awful for all those pets without a home.

BonjourRomance said...

Bonjour Patricia,
What a great cause, and this painting is wonderful.

Anonymous said...

So cute Patricia,
Its great to be apart of a good cause. I couldn't live without my two fluffy dogs.

style chronicle said...

I'll take him!!

La Maison Fou said...

What a sweet face!

Made my day PVE.....


Sanity Fair said...

SOOOOOOOO darling!!!! You should distribute this to all the local animal shelters. People will come in droves for new pets!

Unknown said...

What a great way to use your talent....We have a shelter dog and I wish I could take another one...
Makes me sad to think of all those caged animals!

Love - Victoria

Unknown said...

Your art is always a gift ~ and how heart warming to see this adorable work of art to help those that can not speak, only bark, for themselves. Well done!!!

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

Wonderful painting.
Wonderful cause!
Edward, Apple and I heartily approve!

North of 25A said...

I LOVE this fellow! And such a worthy effort. Before we found "Senor" we went to the NYC ASPCA, NYC Animal Control and North Shore Animal League on LI. ASPCA & North Shore were terrific, but animal control was one of the saddest places I have ever visited.

deliciously organized said...

I'm so happy you are part of such a wonderful cause! And by the way, this one is just adorable.

kayce hughes said...

So cute...hard to say no.

24 Corners said...

Such a wonderful thing to do! It's so special that your talent is helping animals that are desperately in need. Such a great cause!