Thursday, May 06, 2010

noble oil

pve design - noble oil commission
In the midst of a commission of a noble dog. There are actually two, one Gordon Setter is hidden, and this is only half of the painting that I am showing you.
Capturing this noble dog has been a thrill for me. The tree is so full of character, but I am working hard to keep all the focus on this beautiful creature.
Each day - I work for a few hours, getting closer to what I feel will be worthy of the Master and this noble good sport.


La Maison Fou said...

Fun, I am working on a fallen comrade now. A long lived older gentleman with a love from his master.

Funny how not ever knowing this dog, I too feel like doing my best to capture what he must have been and what he meant to his loyal mom!

Good luck Patricia,

Debra said...

You've gone beautifully~to the dogs. It's just wonderful Patricia.

pve design said...

Thanks - I think animals are such a thrill to paint.
It is like my brush is speaking for them.

I am delighted to be working in oil.
It feels right- my tail is wagging.....:)

Anonymous said...

I love the color and texture of your grass. Good job on the painting.

deliciously organized said...

It's very lovely. What a sweet pup to paint. Looking forward to seeing the end results.

Hamptontoes said...

Dog paintings and photos always steal my heart. Love dogs lots! Great work.

24 Corners said...

Wonderful painting! You are truly doing justice to this "noble" dogs special character! WEll done!

Joyce said...

Oh Patricia!! I just love the way you dance with your brushes. BEAUTIFUL!! xo

Anonymous said...
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Summer is a Verb said...

Oh dogs paintings make me weak in the knees. It's gorge...XXOO

Unknown said...

The noble dog is as steadfast as the tree. Can't wait to see the noble oil painting when finished.
BTW Happy Mother's Day!