
Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Each of us have our very own methods which we cling to. A commission arrives and I begin by working out the main shapes in pencil, then I draw in the details in micron pen.
(Often- I work from a photo. I do enjoy working from real-life.)
Once I feel that I am ready to layer in the water-color, I begin by narrowing down my palette and go from light to dark. The paper of choice is Aquarelle Arches Block, either cold or hot press. There is something comforting about working on a block, as the paper stays put - Most works are done on a 9 x 12 block, but I love working on the larger blocks too.
I squint often to get to the right value for color. Capturing the light and the shadows are so important to me. Time has a way of getting away from me, but I work with an hour-glass nearby so that I have some gauge of time. Do you have a method or a process that works for you?


  1. I work very much in the same way as you do. I love working on a block- but some commissions are too large. I have a favorite container for my Microns, very good lighting -which took ages to get just right. Music-I must have good music for working. Now before I start a brand new project I must do a little something for me- clear my head. My whole daily routine has changed in the last couple of weeks-it's different, but so good!

  2. Like you, my writing process takes many layers. I find it's still evolving as time goes on though. I guess that's the life of an artist. Thanks for the peek in your world.

  3. I wish I did! Yours is not only methodical...but its magical as well!

  4. Debra-
    I do hope you will share more of your methods as well as your favorite container for your microns. I think I need to add a lock to my container....stop thief - I mean child...

    Layers upon layers to find just the right words or lines...
    keep layering dear-

    I bet I would fail miserably in the legal field, so please tell us about your methods, the lawyer inside you from another life!! Oh Magical you!

  5. I am so proud to know you do your own drawing in lieu of convenient devices to put an image down before the color work.
    Something is very much lost both for the artist and the artist's clients when short cuts are taken. I've recently learned that one my my fave portrait artists uses a computer to lay down an image before painting, and the image itself is computer generated. That is his choice and right to do so, but something completely orginal which shows both skill and vulnerability is far superior to a perfect piece so perfect it loses its originality and life.
    Your work is special, and I love the true art form it is, and I know your clients do as well. It is a wonderful thing to do for them, and it is the extras that make for lasting relationships. Continued great things!

  6. Just stunning...a great talent you have. And your methods obviously work for a reason...beautiful results. x

  7. Tina,
    I am working in oil again, and my goal is to complete this commission and start painting for me. The commissions are my bread and butter, but I would love to add a little "jam" on the side of my own work.
    Oil is so amazing to work in,,,and I cannot imagine working from a computer image, it would take away the spontaneity, for me.
    As always, your comments are much appreciated.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Loved having a glimpse into the process. To me, it is quite amazing.

  10. Your work is amazing. I love seeing your process too. One day I'm going to get you to do something for me. Maybe something of Lucy! Hope you are well.

  11. I like your hour glass idea. I have a poor concept of time, and find myself working on projects into the wee hours of morning.

  12. oh i love that little glimpse at your process, and your work is genius! julesx

  13. I think your methodical process works because in the end it seems simple and not overworked.

  14. Yippee! Great to hear it! Oil is the best, and I love working with it in portraiture. I would love to see some of your oil pieces, I am so excited! Keep doing great things, and my best to you!

  15. I like the hour glass idea very much. I usually keep my eye on the clock, but that can be hard to do sometimes. I will also keep the tele on and one hour shows on low. A good way to hear something in the background and gauge time.

  16. Ooh, I love seeing your process here. It feels like I got a peek behind the curtain! Mine is very different - blocks of focus, you might say.

  17. I squint when putting lights on the christmas tree to see if they are evenly spaced. Does that count? Carla

  18. I love seeing how others work. I, too, like to work on a block.
    Your values are great! I squint too, which might account for those little lines I am gettng around my eyes! ;)

  19. I love these peaks into how you work! It's amazing to see the transition from the hard line to color - it looks totally different! I'm so envious of your talents!

  20. I used to do commissions a lot in the past...they were fun, but not really my 'cup o' tea'...
    but anyhow...I work much the same way as you've described here.

    and even though working outdoors in real life is best, it's amazing what you can do and pull from a photo, your work is lovely! the colour tones of the brick is fabulous!

    well done.
    pop by and flip through today's post...some of my 'just for fun' sketches are there!

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  21. OMG that is so beautiful! You are so talented Patricia!

  22. You are so very talented and I loved this window into how you create your wonderful artwork. Thank you! xo xo

  23. VERY helpful post for the beginners out here that you have inspired. Thanks for the mini-lesson! Believe me, I will reread it several times.

    P.S. I loved your dog in oil but I hope you are not giving up watercolor.

  24. Thank you, thank you on the last 2 post. I felt like I was right by your side chating away as you created beauty. I am trying to catch up on blog visits. xo

  25. I loved seeing your creative process (and talent) in action...very inspiring and very impressive! The outcome of all that "methodical" care is absolutely brilliant!

    xo J~

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. This is so amazing to see how you have gotten so much more intense over the last year!

    Great to have such an interesting look into your studio and progress!
    Wonderful work!

  28. amazing, you are so talented and any way you work the end result is just stunning!

  29. Wow, this is phenomenal! Love seeing the stages of your work.
