Monday, May 24, 2010

game over

Game over.
pve design oil commission

I finished this oil last week and after many days of running around the canvas with my brush and paint, I feel like these dogs need a rest and some sort of treat.
(Picturing some sort of chunky wooden frame.)

This artist deserves a treat too.
How do you reward yourself when you end a game of hide and seek or chase?


Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

My reward is a long hot bath, with a glass of bubbly and a new book of choice!


We Blog Artists said...'s definitely need a treat.
I sometimes buy myself a new pair of shoes...heehee..
Have a lovely Monday!

pve design said...

Check, bath and bubbly an read a fantastic book, plan to post about it...a must read!!!
Thank-you. I hope you are well.

yes, I need a new pair of shoes after all that running around that tree and panting, oh, I mean painting.
thanks for you kind comments.

Lisa Holtzman said...

Beautiful painting! I mostly reward myself by making time to spend with friends I love and enjoy.

Purple Flowers said...

A beautiful work of art - so detailed.
You can treat yourself to an extra yoga class!

Debra said...

The recipients will be thrilled! I think rewards are in order. I always treat myself to a little something with the completion of a commission.

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

that's a lovely piece! usually a glass of wine and a quiet zone out on the sofa works a treat for me.

Formerly known as Frau said...

Gorgeous oil painting...I reward myself with food and I need to change that. Have a great week.

Kwana said...

Usually it's rest or a bath for me. But you have to think of what would be your relaxing treat. Your deserve it! Great job.

Acanthus and Acorn said...

Your title had me worried...that you were leaving blog world...seems to be on the rise lately afterall!

Love the oil with the dogs and the trees have a mythical look!

pve design said...

can I have a 50 cent vintage LV?
now that is my idea of a treat.

home before dark said...

A new book and the time to read it. A fun day trip with my husband and a wonderful lunch to share. Regarding your painting: woof! woof!

pve design said...

Ancathus and Acorn,
yes- I was worried some readers might think I was done, but "gundog" title had me more worried.

Unknown said...

WOW - incredible work of art! So, set down that brush and do whatever makes you happy! For's the pedicure...the long one with the extra foot massage! Enjoy your day, however you decide to spend it!xoxo

Michelle said...

Shopping and lunching...that's always a nice treat :) This is really STUNNING Patricia...and oil is such a are so well rounded!


Pamela Terry and Edward said...

I go to the beach.

Wonderful painting, Patricia.

LindsB said...

A cocktail- right now I'm looking forward to making some haberno watermelon margaritas- they are so delish!

beautiful work of art as always!

P.Gaye Tapp at Little Augury said...

Patricia, this is so wonderful-love the colors and the energy,tension of the dogs-I can hear them yelping. Gorgeous job. I would reward with any of the things on a long List of To Be Rewarded... pgt

LiveLikeYou said...

Gorgeous painting. And LOVE your interior drawings!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, it turned out great! Would love to see it up close and personal....
A treat? Time for yourself! Treat yourself to it! Whatever you do it's for you!!! Take time out!


ralph and martha said...

get. out. SO amazing! It's got such a different feel from your watercolors, but decidedly still PVE. Go have some chocolate!

Stephanie Sabbe said...

love this! you are so talented!

red ticking said...

gorgeous... and i fall into my bed... my favorite place on earth. xx

pve design said...

Thank-you to each of you, I have a special treat planned for the coming weekend!

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing the process pve. It turned out great. A glass of wine, some cheese and chocolate and a good book is a great reward... now Im hungry.

littlebyrd said...

I love this painting Patricia! You definitely deserve a reward for a beautiful job.

24 Corners said...

The painting came out wonderful Patricia! I loved seeing that there were two dogs! I wonder what is up in the tree that is engaging the one so....

Hope you've given yourself a well deserved rest and treat! xo J!