
Friday, April 09, 2010

drop anchor

seashell anchor from Wendy Addison - Country Living

The weather today reminds me of a perfect day to set sail and drop anchor.
Moored with a tall glass of fresh water with lemon.
A leftover salad. A good book and a stack of fresh magazines.
A new follower with an anchor logo caught my eye, cause for this post.
pve design photo - taken here
There are a few local spots I like to "sail" through and "drop anchor."
If I had a little bakehouse, I would love to have a wall of these glass jars. I do have "one" in my kitchen usually filled with something yummy. A fresh home-made cookie or a treat visible for after hungry after school children and hard working parents. Treats for the family pet. All visible. Perfect for storing such things as soap powder, or provisions.

What sorts of glass canisters make your life all a little clearer? Call me old fashioned, there is something about glass, the clarity and the phrases connected to glass make me smile.

"Glass half empty"

"Glass half full"

"People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones."

"Glass ceiling"

What sort of glass would you drop anchor with, a half empty or half full?


  1. Patricia, always half full! Remaining positive and looking to make changes in every way possible in the short time we have here on this gorgeous planet!

    Art by Karena

  2. Oh darlin' - Half Full - always! I always try to find something positive!! Love glass jars, too! So clean and sparkly. xoxo

  3. Half full of course. I use these glass containers for so many things. I get them at our local restaurant supply store or Target.
    I do love the look of a large one filled with cookies! That anchor is a work of art! Have a wnderful weekend Patricia.

  4. Karena,
    A 1/2 full tank is the only way to run - especially when you are a rockette like you! You amaze me with all your comments.

    Preppy 101-
    You, must be 1/2 full of madras and plenty of preppy goodness.
    Enjoy you clear day.

    Good luck to you with your little time away, plenty of anchor dropping and anchors away!

  5. Always half full. We use those glass jars for baking ingredient canisters. They look nice and homey.

  6. Definately half full kind of gal!
    Love the analogy!

  7. My glass is always half full. I love clear glass containers in a kitchen filled with goodies...somehow it means love to me!

  8. I am a full kind of gal. I love glass in general, and love these jars. I use these kind jars in all sizes for ribbons, buttons and bars of soap. I do hope you get to enjoy a tall glass of lemonade this weekend! xo

  9. Oh I so try to be half full but I have to admit to times I've been more half empty. Never claimed to be perfect ;)

    Love glass canisters in the kitchen. Currently using plastic in a closed pantry - the big ones aren't quite as heavy (or scary) for the kids!

    Have a great weekend! Marija

  10. Half full and the jug is on the counter waiting for the refill.

    As for the cookies - I think that they are best right out of the oven or as raw dough. Come on over and we will share.

  11. As a libra, I'd say both! Love glass. After a flirtation with klick/klac containers, I have returned to glass because of the possible problem with plastic carbonates. I like the Fido jars with wire. In my new kitchen it will be all open storage, and glass storage will play a big part of that. I like the texture it gives. I also like not having to rummage in cabinets for things I can't see.

  12. Pve...thank you so much for visiting! I loved seeing your beautiful "little" picture this morning...I'm honored!

    The image with the floor to ceiling shelves full of glass is amazing..."farmhouse manor's butler panty" comes to mind. You've been here??? I'll have to check it out.

    Our everyday drinking glasses are the Pallino Ottimista/Pessimista glasses...a wonderful way to have daily mood inspections!
    Have a glorious day,

  13. Half Full also..., on the other hand, if there's empty space, there's room for new!

    Love the shell encrusted anchor!!!

  14. That is such a cute anchor! Love it!

  15. I strive for a half full glass of something each may be champagne for Friday!!!

  16. Champagne, fill it to the brim!
    Cheers Emily!

  17. I love those glass canisters, I totally need to register for a bunch of them and get rid of all the plastic ones I have- thanks for the reminder!

  18. I didnt even notice that little anchor over there- thank you for pointing that out!!! I'm so excited to see all their ideas!

    You are the best Patricia!!

  19. Love that anchor... could be nice framed. :) Happy Friday! xo Erica

  20. Always half full! Glass canisters with cereal here...lining the counter tops!

  21. Great thoughts for a sunny saturday - but your forget the glass of iced latte!!! That's a must :)

  22. I love glass containers, too and I like to remind myself to look ath the glass as half-full! Have a terrific weekend.

  23. I know I'm a smidge OCD, but something about that pantry with everything in perfect order and all those beautiful glass jars lined up makes me so happy....and jealous that my pantry looks nothing like it!

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. half full... we must always be positive in life... and i am sorry to be tardy in getting back to you... more soon. hope you had a wonderful holiday.. xx

  26. an anchor AND doesn't get any better than that. beautiful post.

  27. I recognize that photo! That was a fun day!
