
Thursday, April 08, 2010


Locust Valley, NY - J.Mclaughlin shop, pve design illustration
Candy striped awnings add a sizzle to a village shop.
Sunny Richmond, VA - J.McLaughlin shop, pve design illustration
Sunny striped awnings make me smile.
Boston, MA. - J.McLaughlin shop, pve design illustration
Canvas stripes in french blue remind me of the shops in France.
Do you love striped awnings as much as I do?
What color would your band of stripes be?
Thank-you to J.McLaughlin for being a sponsor, I love knowing that I illustrated the first three shops and now they have over 40 shops. More shops to sketch are on my drawing board. I truly never get bored with my work!


  1. Oh, fun question! (And what wonderful drawings!!) Hum, can they be changed with the season? Turquoise and White for summer and Gray and White for winter.

  2. Love awnings. Deep cobalt and cream. I would love that on my atelier someday!

  3. Iwould like Black and white for my anwings, because my friends coming through the door would be my splash of color. xo

  4. I love green and white as my awning. It's bright, cheery and has a touch a class.
    LOVE these illustrations! :)

  5. I'm drawn to the French blue and white-but would have to say black and white for my home. I'm feeling very spring-into-summer here. Have I mentioned how lucky McLaughlin is to have you as their illustrator?

  6. I love striped awnings - it's such a shame they don't suit our house! Love your divine drawings. Leigh

  7. Your sketches are always so lovely. How much do you charge for your renderings?

  8. j'adore all striped awnings, but i'm partial to a hunter green colored stripe, myself.

  9. Love awnings....our rental here has yellow and white but I'm either a green and white or black and white kind of girl.

  10. I am a total freak for awnings, especially black ones. When driving down the road someone may say, "Hey, look at the fabulous tree!" but I miss it. Why? I am looking at awnings.

  11. Nicely done! My very favorite trench, in nantucket red, is from McLaughlin. Love!

  12. I think my awning would be orange and white or green and white. Maybe orange,green and white? These are so much fun.

  13. I do like awnings. When we stayed at the Greenbrier last fall, one of their little restaurants featured pink and white awnings - so festive!

  14. the shop on Providence Road here in Charlotte is in an adorable craftsman cottage... let me know when you sketch! I'd love to buy a copy of it :)

  15. ooo, and I'm in the midst of putting a black & white awning over my patio...

  16. I love them! You have such a gift to make an illustration, watercolour; basically whatever you envision you can recreate in a beautiful way. Lucky dog.

  17. These illustrations are so nice! My favorite awnings are the red and white ones. They remind me of old-fashioned candy shops.

  18. I do so love your illustrations and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do for the fundraiser for A Place to Bark.

  19. Love these fun illustrations! ...and the awnings make me smile, too. Black and white is my favorite.

  20. Thanks for the direction, PvE... found it and it's so cute!

  21. WOW - LOVE THESE DRAWINGS! So charming - and the French stripe shade had me at hello.

  22. I love love love the one you did for the new shop in Winston-Salem. Just got a mailing about it. Sooo cute. I bet you could fill up a whole sketchbook in Reynolda Village. Its so charming!
    -Viive @ Dovecote Decor

  23. You know I love those J. McL illustrations to death...XXOO

  24. Is there any way to purchase these illustrations? I'd like one of them in a larger PDF version if possible!
