
Monday, January 25, 2010


Couples fascinate me. I admire couples who have what it takes to compliment one another and to live a life full of love and respect for one another. I did this illustration for a faithful reader who has left so many kind comments to me. I thought she would appreciate one of her folks. Do you have couples around you that you look up to. What do you think it takes to make a couple stay a couple?


  1. Well, a great sense of humor is a plus. And always remember "there are probably a few things about me that might annoy him as much as those little nuances he has that annoy me ;-)" so call it even and keep your mouth shut ;-) haha Worked for my husband and me.

  2. Definitely lots of patience on the part of my mother. I love my father dearly, she is the saint though!

  3. Great Sketch.

    Just a blind eye at times
    and Always having time
    doing your own thing. When I paint I get lost..


  4. I admire my parents who have been in love since they were sophomores in high school! Sweet illustration.

  5. Very captured their admiration for each other! xx

  6. Love, trust, friendship and a great sense of humor. :)

  7. Choose your battles, try to keep things light and find humor. My parents were best friends and biggest fans. They took time for each other- without the children, keeping things fresh.

  8. Thanks - I am making a list of what makes couples!
    Love all these tips.

  9. I think communicating regularly and having humor is what it's all about. My mother-in-law told me once that a lot of it is luck, that both you and your spouse will change and grow at the same pace and in the same direction. I think there is some truth to that as well. Hope you have a great week.

  10. I agree that it takes lots of patience and good communication. Also humor and respect. Beautiful illustration.

  11. What a lovely illustration! As a newly engaged gal, I am so pleased and appreciative of everyone's input here. I hope with humor and understanding my fiance and I will stand the test of time---no, I'm sure of it!
    XX Kate

  12. I'd have to say ongoing communication, patience, respect and the ability to laugh at one's self.

  13. What a beautiful gift for a wonderful blog reader- you are so thoughtful!

  14. Not so much a matter of romance as it is a matter of anxious concern for the well-being of one's companion. Humor, forgiveness... patience. I don't think it is easy, but I do know it is worth it. I want to be one of those couples - together 50 years+.

    Nice, thought-provoking post and sweet illustration.

  15. Time away from each other, the ability to enjoy a good bottle of red wine together & a jolly good argument every now & then to clear the air!
    Millie ^_^

  16. The couple I looked up to the most was my parents. (That sentence reads like a 3rd grader's homework assignment. ;-) At my dad's wake my mom was talking to one of my friends and said, "I loved him because he let me be me."

    And *that* is what it takes to make a couple stay a couple. I will remember those words always.
