Thursday, November 12, 2009


Here is a recent illustration that I did in full color.
What a unique look transformed in shades of "sepia." Somehow I love the "oomph" that the color brings but the sepia tones are have an old world allure. Love your thoughts? Which one do you think has more oomph?


style chronicle said...

In this scenario I like the color. The beauty of the home is brought out by the greenery around it. Beautiful work!

Joyce said...

Both Patricia are beautiful! Depends if the person is going for vibrant oomph or vintage oomph. The sepia reminds me of a vintage piece, giving me a whole different feeling than the color one. With the layout of the home and to have something different I would say sepia has my vote. xoxo

Purple Flowers said...

I LOVE both, yet they are different. My vote though, would be the all sepia. It is unique, and has a very "quaint" look to it.

Moments and Impressions said...

I love both - but the color is may favorite - it really shows of the lines of the house (which I am in love with!)

Kwana said...

They are both beautiful but for this one the color has more oomph. Beautiful work. I'd love to walk those grounds.

yvonne said...

I really like both, but I'm leaning more towards the color illustration. I think it lets you see the season more easily.

Emily said...

Both are beautiful. The watercolors really do bring it to life. Both are serene.

littlebyrd said...

That is a tough question....both are beautiful obviously. If I had to choose....I think sepia just becasue I love the old world charm.

Easy and Elegant Life said...

For watercolours I like the ... colour. I love black and white photography and sepia photos are always interesting. But paintings and watercolours need the colour in my opinion.

Karena said...

I love them both, the color wash the bet though. Beautiful!

LindsB said...

I think both are lovely for their own reasons, it would be hard to pick just one of them :)

Ms. Bright said...

Wow! Two great "Oomph" posts in one day!! I love sepia tones and think it's interesting how this takes on an 'etching' look.
So pretty, so talented!

Maia said...

It does look stunning in Sepia! I'm a longtime sepia addict...I have gone through long phases when I'd shoot photos only in sepia - particularly in the desert southwest, where it does wonderful things to the landscape.

La Petite Gallery said...

Renee Finberg told me about your site. I am very impressed. You are a very accomplished Pretty lady.
I think all of your illustrations are beautiful.The Sepia has a mystic feel to it. Like very old pen and inks. I am drawn into them.
Happy Thanksgiving ,

gina said...

What a beautiful home - especially in color! Color really does bring it to life.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

I always swoon for is absolutely timeless!

Anonymous said...

I love this illustration. It has a "dreamy" quality to it.

Laura @ the shorehouse. said...

I agree with's a choice of vibrant oomph or vintage oomph. They are both gorgeous. My vintagey- self sees that sepia one in an antique frame...mmm, mmm, good!