
Friday, October 09, 2009

Youth Workshop Exhibit

My son attended a wonderful Architecture Workshop in Hastings-on-Hudson with Christina Griffin Architect. The students work will be on display from October 10 til November 13th at the Hastings Municipal Building. I am in awe of the students work and all they learned a short amount of time. Please take time to stop by and view their work if you are in the area.

The Opening will be on Saturday October 10th, from 10 am to 12 pm, near the Hastings Farmer's Market at the Hastings Municipal Building, 7 Maple Avenue, Hastings-on-Hudson, NY. It is a quick train ride from New York City!


  1. Now if it were a quick train ride from Maine I would be there. I would love to see what these young people came up with. What a wonderful opportunity. I love to see young ones getting involved in community projects...colleges love that too!

  2. Debra,
    It is amazing that when we are given time and challenges, what we can do at any age!

  3. Oh how wonderful for him! I used to participate in things like that as a child too - maybe he has a future as an architect?

  4. A great way to discover a taste of architecture. The use of light and space is so very interesting. I'm glad your son had the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful workshop!

  5. Yes, I see a future architect in the making!A great experience!

  6. Sounds great. I marvel at their talent.

  7. it is times like this that i wish i had my own jet ... so i could buzz on over and take in this event.
    how cool it is for your son to have had this opportunity, pve ... and doesn't it just blow you away how creative and fresh the approach of today's youth can be? i am very excited about this upcoming generation ...
    do enjoy ~ your buttons will be popping!
    prairiegirl xo

  8. Just a little seed today...poof big deal by tomorrow. It happens just that quickly. Great fun!


  9. A magnificent workshop for architects in training! I can't wait to share this with my trained architect...

  10. Will definitely come by and have a look!
    No train ride needed!
    He's surely talented like his mom!!!

  11. I just realized that I should have posted here instead of sending you a message. Thanks for your kind words. Lovely blog you have yourself. I love your illustrations, I was instantly taken by them. Where in KY did you grow up?

  12. I wish I could take a look! Looks like a great opportunity for your son.

  13. this is awesome. I am teaching a similar class in Boston. I would love to see some of the work the students produced to give me some ideas. My class is 12 weeks and my kids are 6-8th graders.
