
Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Postage stamp - Pippi Langstrumpf Longstalking

Astrid's portrait as a young lady (image Wikepedia)
Did you know that Swedish born, Astrid Lindgren wrote Pippi Longstalking while her daughter Karin while was ill and bed-ridden. Her daughter asked her to tell her a story ( I love knowing personal bits!) If I were sick in bed and I was being told such a story, I can imagine feeling so much better, just imagining this character of amazing strength and stamina, being able to lift a horse, now that is impressive! One of my favorite scenes is when she makes the pancakes, and how could you not love her side-kick monkey?

Astrid loved children, here she is in her 90's - (image from Wikepedia)
Astrid apparently never made much money, however she saved and she traveled and she was very active in many worthy causes.

Astrid won the "Right Livelihood Award " for her efforts in children's rights. The story "Pippi" was rejected, (prior to the story being published) and now has been published in more than 94 languages. It has always been one of my favorite stories as I feel that Pippi had fun, she enjoyed herself no matter what anyone else thought and she had such style. Even her name just makes me smile and want to wear mis-matched socks and pig-tails. Come back for another fun post on Pippi this week!


  1. I've heard the story behind Pippi and I love it! It seems I'm always drawn to the stories behind the stories...Confederacy of Dunces is one of my favorite novels and I've often wondered if it's because I know the story behind it.

    Pippi was definitely one of my childhood favorites...Pippi and Charlotte's Web were close competitors for my attention. :-) Thanks for bringing up a happy memory!

  2. I have never heard the story behind this precocious character. I have such fond memories of reading of her crazy adventures as a child.

  3. I love Pippi. Naughty, freckly and feisty, my favourite kind of girl. I have bought the Lauren Child illustrated Pippi and read it to my daughter often. xoxo

  4. Pippi gave the best material for book projects. To this day I have the Pippi doll I sewed by hand (that my husband is dying for be to send to a good home)in Elle and Maggie's toy box. Thank you for sharing the story behind the story! Wonderful!

  5. One of my favorite childhood books!Great post!

  6. I've always loved Pippi's sense of herself-- empowered! and those great dubbed movies are true perfection.

  7. I loved reading Pippi but never knew the author's interesting backstory.

    Thanks for sharing!

  8. Pipi was always one of my favorites as a kid. Knowing some of the background is fun.

  9. Pippi was also a favorite of mine. I wanted to look like her as a little girl-I think it was because we both had lots of freckles! I wish we could get those stamps now!

  10. I love the stories about Pippi, however, I did not know the story behind the story. Looking forward to reading about it, thanks to you!

  11. I loved reading about Pippi and her fun/naughty adventures. Never heard the story behind Pippi Longstocking, what a great story. Thank you for sharing.

  12. I never heard the story behind Pippi. I'm hoping there was a happy ending and her daughter recovered from her illness.

  13. Astrid Lindgren is the most wonderful writer and I have admired her books and read them to my children many times.
    I would love one day to travel to Sweden and visit her Village (there is a museum too)and house she lived in.
    Pippi is the girl with powers and heart! I love her!

  14. Pippi was ahead of her time - and I've read that when this was written some people were scandalized because she was so liberated and strong. Pippi is my great hero and literary love. What a gift Astrid gave to the world with this story.

  15. As a redhead, I just love Pippi! What an interesting post!

  16. Oh Pippi! What a beautiful stamp. Would that stamps were larger and we could paste them on our walls.

  17. One of the few children's shows I remember from Holland. I used to be able to sing the song in Dutch, too! Or was it Flemish?
