
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

still small voice

pve design - "still life" trio of pears 4 x 4~ for sale
Painting allows me to hear a whisper directing my conscience to work toward a place of restraint. The ability to listen, to hold back and to hear what I see, to stop, to look and to listen. Creativity requires one to really "listen from within." When you work, do you listen to that still small voice?


  1. Beautiful picture pve...I always listen to the little voice inside, it's sometimes wiser than my own.Have a wonderful Tuesday.

  2. Frau,
    Often the whisper is the wiser.
    Thanks for your kind comments. I met "Art House Design" Blogger -Victoria, yesterday - she lives nearby and we met via blogs, and she is German and so lovely. Hope you will say "Guten tag" to her.

  3. I'm ashamed to say I don't. I'm often too busy concentrating on 'reading' what my clients are actually NOT saying to me, rather than what they are! I will try harder @ finding my SSV. A beautiful & thoughtful post Patricia.
    Millie ^_^

  4. Millie,
    Sometimes, it sure would be nice to have a GPS to find the SSV within...

  5. Beautiful painting. I used to try not to listen to the still small voice, but now I realize that is the one I should be listening to. I'm working on it, but getting better.

  6. I try to listen to my inner voice... for me that has come with age and experiance. Somehow that old adage applies here... "Older and wiser". That's a lovely painting P. Is it recent work?

  7. Debra,
    Thank-you wise one!
    Yes, it is a small treasure from my lesson last week.
    A lot looking, and listening goes on inside my head.

  8. Ohhh those pears would look so good with my lemons. LOL! I'm all over you once I sell.

    I try and listen to that small voice when I'm lucky enough to hear it over the loud voices trying to drown it out.

  9. Every time I visit your site I'm inspired to stop what I'm doing and go dig out my watercolor set! Your paintings are just so beautiful.

    The weather forecast is for a fantastic day- I think I'll listen to my inner voice and feed my soul with a little creativity!

  10. Great piece! Love how the pears pop out of the piece.
    That little voice also can be a big burden when your creating. When my little creative voice keeps second guessing me i turn on my ipod(volume on Max)!

  11. First off: I love your still life here. Very very very nice! As for listening, I think I need to work on that. Not so good at it.

  12. Lovely still life painting. Amidst the chaos of life, it is hard to create time to quiet my soul and listen but when I do I am refreshed and changed from the inside out.

  13. loving the gray blues and hint of citrus tones in this painting. and your quiet voice sounds inspiring. i must listen closer as lately i don't seem to be able to find the peace when i create. more of a whirlwind these days but i appreciate the gentle reminder.

    and thanks for stopping by yesterday. i've missed our exchange.

  14. Where does it come from that still small voice? Why is it still? Why is it small? If so much wisdom is there, if it is the voice that should be our native tongue, why is it is so stealthy? While some would say it is the voice of God, I prefer to think of it as spirit. Rather like a thousands of years of human experience crammed into one tiny little CD that operates on random play with only one speed and with a low-watt battery that gets charged only when it is used. The ultimate use or lose it perhaps. Oh well, to the garden to ponder and happy painting to you.

  15. Thank you so much for the comment on my blogpost!

    And yes, also for me is this still voice very important!


  16. Your wrote son wonderfully, "Creativity requires one to really "listen from within." When you work, do you listen to that still small voice?"

    Yes, I do! I just sent you an email in response to a question you had for me. My best for a wonderful day, with much creativity, thank you for your lovely painting.

  17. So glad you are taking a class that inspires you!
    I've learned to listen to my inner voice in everything I do in life. It has proven to be my guide.

  18. Oh, yes and I love to do still life in watercolor. I was inspired by some of Ce'zanne still life works of art. My inner voice tells me when it is going great and also when it is so wrong!!

  19. Taking classes inspires such creativity and synergy!

  20. I like to think that the small voice is God's way of guiding... not bossy just always a gentle and wise nudge! I love the small voice!

  21. Yes, definitely...very important to listen to that voice! Have a wonderful Tuesday. XO

  22. Sadly, nearly nothing about me whispers. It's chat, chat, chat all the time.

  23. I've learned to always listen to my gut instinct. I always read recipes carefully to consider the taste it might have then listen to my inner voice to really consider if it would be tasty. I also listen often to my "inner mommy" - knowing when to let my daughter take a risk, and when to hold her close.

  24. Thanks to each of you, the still voice is often hard to hear or other noise like "static" can get in the way, so it is important to find that wee voice or just to be silent. Hard to do.

  25. hello! thank you so much for visiting my blog and following me.What a gorgeous blog you have - I love your art work. I feel inspired again!!The small quiet voice in my head is telling me to get painting again...Do come again - I will certainly come back here. Sarah

  26. Stunning work!

    Always heard the whisper but did not have the discipline to listen and follow up, getting better at it though.

  27. Patricia

    John Lennon said he felt in order to give out (music) he had to give within, spending time, I guess, being so quiet he could hear his inner voice.

    Been missing for the entire summer, guess I just neeed to refuel...happy things happening here at one of my favorite places to visit! Hope all is well with you!

  28. PS--we were also at the Open! How ironic!!

  29. My small voice has been chatting away for the past few weeks. Love your still life ~ lovely as always.


  30. Oh, oh this is one of my favorites! I love artwork with pears in it. I wish I could say I listen all the times to the inner voice, but I am getting better at it. xoxo

  31. I am trying so hard to listen! This new drawing class I am taking is quite a challenge but I am learning so much. Have to stay focused on the prize! Beautiful picture.

  32. Patricia, thank you for your kind words...
    I try to listen to my small voice and sometimes it takes awhile to quiet the noise within. I try that for my life in general.
    But when I create I usually try to let IT speak to me and my voice listens.

  33. I find that sometimes, the only time I hear that voice in when it is completely silent and I am alone. And it can even be uncomfortable, because how often are we REALLY in silence and stillness?
    But when I hear it speak to me...I remember...

  34. I think you have to listen to that voice when you create. Who else are we going to listen to? :) Love your beautiful painting. The colors are really gorgeous!

  35. absolutely, but don't you wish that small voice would speak up at times? why is it that the wisest voice is the quietest?

  36. Sometimes the voice gets loud too :) Beautiful painting, I love the colors in it.

  37. Beautiful! I'm a fan!

  38. How beautiful!I love your delicate style!:)
