
Monday, September 14, 2009

number one

Last night we attended the US Open, and it was an exciting evening to see top Tennis played as well as top sportsmanship. The crowd was full of enthusiasm. Congrats to all the athletes. We were able to see the men's wheelchair finals as well the ladies finals.
I was so pleased to see Kim, coming back after retirement, adding the duty of motherhood to her role and playing to win number one. It was sweet to see her little one up for the event and the crowd cheering for these ladies! Now, to work on my own game of tennis, they make it look easy, even though we know it takes work to be number one!


  1. I'm smitten! I'm so glad Ronda's introduced us and you're a delight! I too will be back lurking your site (and your wonderful back log of all "new to me" posts!

  2. Wasn't Kim Clijsters AMAZING!

  3. It was so great to hear so many men cheer "Go Mama!"
    (you know being a Mom just makes us want to be number one for our kids!)
    Both ladies played so well and yes, Kim was amazing.
    They were so kind to one another! I like that!

  4. Lucky you! That would have been fun to watch...and I forgot to tune-in! A new week, the official end of summer for me and a time to get moving, illustrate and hit the pavement with a new stride. A happy and beautiful Monday to you PvE.

  5. Lucky you to be there! I loved that it was such an unexpected match up for the finals... no one would have guessed! In all it was a great tournament (esp. for the women) with upsets, etc. Still so disappointed with Serena, but we are all human. :(

  6. YAY...for LA MAMMA!
    Great Tennis is always pleasurable to watch...I wish I had someone to play it with again. Perhaps that's something I'll try and coax our girls into starting when they get older.

  7. Let's hear it for the mama's! Bigs congrats to Kim. I'm so glad you were there. Fun!

  8. I'm so upset I've missed most of the matches due to travel! One of my most fav sporting events. Next to your Derby...XXOO

    ps...tackling emails shortly!

  9. Yea for strong determined women!!

  10. She deserved the win! I played mixed doubles with a guy in a wheel chair I was amazed at his skill and speed.

  11. You lucky girl you! Happy Monday to you. :-)

  12. Big Congratulations to Kim! How fun to see this first hand. Enjoy your day! xoxo

  13. That must have been quite a day. Really one of the very few sports that is a pleasure to watch, at least in my opinion. It can be by turns graceful, athletic, and amusing.

    Glad you got to go!

  14. TEnnis is such and enjoyable sport to watch and play. So incredible to return after becoming a mother, it takes a tonne of focus and determination. It's time for my comeback..:-)

  15. I miss tennis!! I MUST go watch the Open someday - and should add that to my 100 things to do before I.... list. That and Wimbledon.

    I love women that can be both a mother and whatever else makes them great - for not giving up the dream - for all the hard work post baby - all that much harder without tennis being the only focus. Absolute admiration.

    What a fun experience for you!

  16. that is exciting - i love us open tennis - the night before was wild!

  17. Marnie,
    I am glad I went to the "Calm & Cordial" night of tennis.

  18. oh wow, so fun that you were there in person. my husband and i were watching and saying that one year we'd like to be there. pam

  19. I literally jumped off my chair and yelped when she won. :-) Love her.
