
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

on top

Finally, at long last, I went in to see what all the fuss was about. My husband began a new job on the 35th floor and a new view overlooking Central Park in Manhattan. It really is like something out of a movie. He reminds me of the view of his first apartment that overlooked a courtyard that resembled a prison with the circular wire. But of course, we all know that to achieve a view like this means tons of hard work to arrive on the top with a vista like this.

I would feel "on top" of the world with this view. How about you?


  1. It's a beautiful view, and I wish him the best.

  2. Gorgeous view! He has moved up in the world.

  3. Stunning! I don't think I'd get bored of a view of Central Park.

  4. this is stunning and you are right about views like this only happening because of lots of hard work!


  5. I think I may not get much work done... I would bring my little binoculars and be checking everything out. Will you paint this?

  6. yes, I think I need to go back and paint the view and then present it as a gift...of course I would add little me waving from the park, riding the carousel.

  7. Now that would be lovely to see every day. Lucky guy!

  8. WOW! So, I wanna know...if I bring a sleepin bag can I camp out in his office? Fabulous! Thank you Frederick Law Olmsted.

  9. Wow. I don't know what your husband does for a living but he must do it well to have such a spectacular view from his office. Lucky guy (in more ways than one)!

  10. Oh wow -what a view! Reminds me just of a movie like you say. I just hope your husband isn't a Michael Douglas character (but I know he isn't!).

  11. Gorgeous view and all the seasons can be admired from above! I love NYC!

  12. My jaw dropped. All the time I've spent visiting and even living in Manhattan and I've never seen that kind of view! Lucky man!
    XX Kate

  13. WOW a beauty of a sight! A sight I'm sure well deserved. With the longer hours someone much have to take in a picnic lunch or dinner into the city so you both can enjoy the view.

    I had to go and look at the view again- it is so pretty. I don't think I would get much work done because my head would be in the clouds daydreaming.

    Thanks for sharing my friend! xoxox

    PS Ooooh Patricia I can't wait for Dan the mailman to ring our doorbell! You are a sweetie. xoxo

  14. It is so beautiful! I think I might have a hard time not getting distracted from work!!

  15. The view is spectacular. I'd never get a thing done. Be very proud. It does take hard work to get a view like that.

  16. That’s quite the view! I know you could do something fantastic with this image!!!

  17. How wonderful this view! Congrats for both of you and how sweet that he remembers back on his first NY place!

    xo Mary Jo

  18. I always forget just how big that park is! Wonderful view and good reminder of how beautiful and how much NYC has to offer.
    I say, "well done!" to hubby.

  19. What an amazing view your husband has at work. I see clients in New York with views like this and it takes my breath away! So lovely.

  20. I have a pretty interesting sliver of a view...I'm on the 21st floor and can see over the UN to the East River. That said, the "view" for me most of the day is the mounds of paperwork on my desk so I don't really get to enjoy it. :-)

  21. On of my first jobs was on the 62nd floor of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Of course, I had a lowly inner office but across the aisle the big guy's office had an incredible view of Lake Michigan. He kindly would make a point of keeping his door open so I could look across and see the lake through his windows!

  22. That would be a highlight of each work day - to see that view. I've always thought Central Park was the most magical place.

  23. Absolutely incredible! Wowee....hope he loves it {and you too of course!}.

  24. How fantastic to be able to look out and see that everyday!

  25. PVE,

    This is great news. October is a month that will reward many for their hard work and patience. This view reminds us why the birds sing!
    They love the view too!


  26. Thats a stunning view! and yeah.. i would feel like i'm on the top of the world if i witness such a view! its absolutely fabulous

  27. looks like the view from 7 w 57 - the building with the interesting 7 sculpture in front -

  28. mmr-
    actually it is no.9-
    and yes, love that sculpture!

  29. Great view! I would love going to work everyday if that was my view. It must either encourage productivity, or distract you all day (it would distract me!).

    Thanks for your comment on my bedroom re-do post! I really do hope you come back to see the full post with the before and after shots, I'm trying to get it up next week!

  30. That view is incredible! I imagine it's either really hard to get any work done OR the most inspiring vista ever...XXOO

  31. This is fantastic, this will never get boring, may this view inspire him always!

  32. WOW! Beautiful view! I would get nothing done in that office. ;)

    Is that Bow's Bridge I see?

  33. How fantastic Patricia - congrats to your Darling on his new job. I remember a report card comment when I was in grade school 'Millie could achieve more if she stopped gazing out the window & concentrated on her work.' Those words would be repeated on my Performance Appraisal if I had these magic CP views at my disposal every day.
    Millie ^_^

  34. Beautiful - what an inspiring view to look at everyday. Congrats to the hubby and to you!
