
Saturday, August 08, 2009


sugar-baby - photography of meg duerksen
Will you look at this little sugar snap, the amazing photography of this gal Meg over here.
Whatever she snaps, or makes seems to make my life as well as countless others a bit more sugar-coated.
"whatever...the shop, linked to whatever...the blog"
There are certain things in life that surely bring out the kid in me, as well as fond memories of making things and riding my bike to the store for licorice or a bar of chocolate (days before helmets and other unfathomable dangers!)  
the sweet stitched flower power shirt - worn by my daughter!
I learned to sew at a young age and loved it so much.  Meg makes thing too.  She made this fun flower shirt from (whatever "the shop") which I ordered for my daughter and she is constantly asking, "Where is that shirt" as she loves it so much.  I know that once the kids are back to school, Meg will be filling up her shop again and I will be like a kid in a candy store, looking for more sugar babies and sweetness.  
 Have a sweet weekend.  We are off to the beach!


  1. Summer weekends are filled with sweet treats-tee-shirts and all! I love August. Everyone is trying to squeeze in those precious summer memories that make-up summer sweet treats. I'm off now to take a peak at this delightful shop! Have fun and don't forget the sunblock!

  2. Deb,
    The shop is pretty empty now and when it gets filled, do not hesitate to shop, because it goes fast...
    happy weekend. (sunblock is packed!)

  3. That little honeybunny is adorable.
    And the shirt makes me feel real sweet! :)

  4. Love that little sugar baby! Have a fabulous time at the beach.

  5. I love Meg's photos she is so talented. Have a wonderful summer day!

  6. that baby is edible! as are those colorful twizzlers! love meg's blog - it makes me want to be a kid again!!!

  7. I love the image of your daughter in that pretty shirt. Enjoy your time at the beach! xoxo

  8. Cheerful stuff! How cute that your daughter's aqua-colored thumbnail plays off the aquas in her shirt:) (One of my favorite movies is the cheesy "Aquamarine" because it's a bit magical and it soooooo reminds me of how my friends and I were at that age. Plus I like mermaids). I don't have any children, but I'm crazy about baby's feet. Those are some sweet ones in the first picture.

    I started sewing when I was 10 (which was also back before bicycle helmets. . . the cautions meted out to me were, "don't stand behind a horse," "don't step on a rusty nail or you'll get lockjaw," "don't talk to strangers" and various warnings about public rest rooms, underground parking garages, and going in laundromats alone). I love sewing and continue to do so off and on depending on what's going on in life. A very inspirational place to check is the Burdastyle website. Regular people post what they're making, and I always get fun ideas by looking at their projects.

  9. I love Meg's colorful etsy site and her blog as well.
    Have a wonderful time at the beach,

  10. That shirt is adorable.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. Have fun at the beach! I love love love your daughters T!

  12. these images brought back strong memories of a party we planned. we took colorful licorice and placed an amazing colored round lollipop on top and photographed it and then used it for all the artwork throughout the event. funny how much the licorice and the tee reminded me of it!
