
Friday, August 07, 2009

punch-drunk love

I am in love.  The swagger of that drape.  The way that tassel hangs and holds that swath. The smile of that table, in the legs.  The pear shape of that light.  Then there is that shiny punch bowl.  I am punch-drunk in love with this little corner.  The abstract art.  I like a bit of mystery and I want to know more (about this room) The wallpaper adds just the right amount of texture and pattern.

Ladle me this room.  I can just taste it.  Smooth, a little sweet and a hint of lime.


  1. Great photo, please re-join Gina and I in our new blog, we are asking old friends to follow our new blog, as we has some problems with the old one, so we started a new....thanks

  2. Oh I love this post. Your words drew me in and I noticed things in that photo I would have missed. I always love to stop by here at the beginning of my day.

    Here's to a fabulous weekend!

  3. You must be in love, yes they are still here, then they must have been meant to be.

  4. That room just oozes serenity and elegance!

  5. A room with smooth, cooling tones. It looks like what I imagine would appeal to PVE. With it's citrus and silvery glimmer-just spendid.

  6. pThis would be a great room to sit back and enjoy a punch or two. It has my favorite green color.


  7. There is a roundness here - in the photo of the corner and your description of it - that tickles your palate. Whip out your palette and paint that quality.

  8. That corner is going to get crowded, because I'll be crowding into it along with other admirers. I clicked on "save as" the moment it came up on the screen. Luv it.

    As a Wordie, I especially like this post - it's almost a poem!

  9. Another vision of her serene highness. Beautiful sculptural qualities with just enough mystery that it draws you in. Being a drape/fabric junkie, I, too, swoon.

  10. Very nice color, celedon green, adds a wonderful slice of life to this space. Great snap!


  11. I love this designer's work whenever I see it and I really like how you said the table had a smile. Have a great weekend Paticia. S~

  12. Undeniably gorgeous.

    Thanks for leaving me the comment about your husband being a "both." My little guy doesn't know how fortunate his mommy feels at getting feedback from such a distinguished and talented blogger.

  13. Does creativity just ooze from your pores? Your words, your art, your entire essence all have such a beautiful artistic flair...I love it!

  14. That green color is delish- love it!

  15. Beautiful, I agree!

    btw - my husband informed me I have a package with PVE written on it at home!!!! Can't wait to see it.

  16. Totally delicious...Have a wonderful weekend, xv.

  17. yum, i agree entirely! it's gorgeous!

  18. Absolutely perfect image and you described it so well.

  19. Lovely room, with very calming yet interesting pieces, and intriguing works of art!

  20. So elegant and clean yet interesting. i love the beautiful words you used to describe it.

  21. This definitely reminds me of you as well! That color and style is perfect for you. Maybe you can recreate a similar look in your studio??

    I love the wallpaper best myself :)
