
Monday, August 10, 2009

make new friends

Emerson Tray from number 411
Have you ever thought of your friends as "ornaments" ...or... "characters"
Helen Keller - Quote on a tray from here.
to create the story of your life.
Well think again.
I do think friends make our life sparkle like ornaments and provide for stories full of plots and twists and turns.
I am thankful for each of my friends.
I may not show it often enough.
"A friend in need is a friend indeed."
"Make new friends"

This week I encourage each of you to help a friend in need or make a new friend!
I dedicate this week to old and new friends!

Thanks to this new friend "moderne mama" for a fab lunch with a bevy of lovely bloggers!

(Chic trays can be found an purchased here!)


  1. what a cool blog I've really enjoyed reading it, thanks

  2. I love the friendship quotes~ and trays. What a perfect hostess gift. It sure sounds like you all had a good time at the bloggers round-up.

  3. D-bra,
    yes we did....and I had a tiny sliver of that decadent cake. I knitted (just to keep my hands away from close proximity to my mouth!)
    wish you were there with us....but I see butterflies are free with you....

  4. I love those trays-- but then I'm a big fan of text as a design element. And it was so great to make new friends yesterday.

  5. So knitting is the new smoking? Thanks for making it such a fun afternoon (and bringing such delicious treats) - Jane @ Beach House

  6. A great way to spend a Sunday afternoon with new and old friends. This is neat to have so many bloggers nearby. I too enjoy the trays with the wonderful quotes. Enjoy! xoxo

  7. Love the trays. Great friends are definitely the salt that gives flavor to life!

  8. What a fun afternoon - lucky! I'm having some friends over this evening for dinner and dessert, and I can't wait! And those quotes are so true about friends. Thanks for a happy Monday morning pve!

  9. Patricia, I was off this weekend, and got lots done after the opening reception Friday night, yesterday, I spent almost all day catching up with beloved friends across the country and had iced tea at Panera with my best friend Denise. So important to take this time together.I do want to start entertaining again at home.

  10. I don't know how to knit, but I'm very good at eating cake. Go with what you know. LOL

    So nice to meet you!

  11. Knitting! That's brilliant! I'll get started today!

    Sounds as if you had a wonderful time, my friend!

  12. I love Helen Keller quotes. Friendship is the key to good health..mental health in mean! Have a wonderful Monday!

  13. Absolutely true about friends! Aside from the first two years of my life and one year in Europe at 26, I lived in the same town in the same house until I was 28 (late bloomer). Because of that I have friends I've known from the very beginning in addition to jewels gathered along the way at college and work. My friends are the deepest blessings, and everything is better, richer, and more fun because of them!

  14. I will definitely check out those trays. That's why blogging is so amazing, you really do make new friends almost every day. :-)

  15. These are truly beautiful, Patricia. One of your nicest qualities is that you are a giving friend!

  16. Pretty trays. Modernemama that is so funny. Knitting as the new smoking! I'm cracking up here!

  17. To old and new friends! Thank you for these inspiring sentiments with which to start the week. xoxo

  18. I was just up in the loft in our barn (read sauna) sorting through props for an upcoming show and came across an old card I never sent. An adorable photo of a little girl in her winter coat trotting down a wooded lane "The road to a friends house is never long" You have nudged me to get back up there, after a few glasses of lemonade, unearth that card again and send it off to my best friend out in California. Better that, I should check out flights to go visit! The road is never long but duration between visits sure can be!

  19. Abby-
    my daughter has a sign with those words!
    I hope you find the sign or make it to California to see your friend...:)

  20. I'm lucky to have some very old friends. And some very new ones. And some furry ones as well.

  21. great idea!!!

    I used to try to make new friends at the start of every college semester... I've made some of my best friends (and husband!!) this way. I've gotten away from it and this was a great reminder.
    thanks friend :)

  22. A wonderful sentiment - there would be no joy in life without friends, xv.

  23. Heard you had a lovely weekend with the Bloginas! :-)
