
Friday, July 24, 2009


At long last, my dear friend has a site and it has launched.  I invite each of you to take a look at her wonderful work.  She has a gift to see, to photograph and create fine art.  I was fortunate enough to have the above photograph of me taken several years ago.  There were laughs and shrills of delight when the photos arrived.  Voila, Elizabeth Belliveau has a web site, voici!


  1. I would have been squealing in delight too! Beautiful photo!!

  2. PVE~ Elizabeth's site is gorgeous- just as the photo she took of you. I wish her much luck with the new adventure into which she is sharing her lovely work with all. Have a great weekend!

  3. that image of you is definitely a favorite! have a great weekend.

  4. I adore this photo of you. It has the feeling of creative, mystery, inviting, magical, warm and yet a hit of sassiness all bottled into one. You haven't led me wrong yet, I'm off to peak. Have a golden weekend my friend! xoxo

  5. just took a quick look - beautiful - i especially love the muse - i remember meeting elizabeth with you briefly in fairfield back in the winter of 2008

  6. Love that image, it looks like it could have been taken 100 years ago. I will have to check out the site.

  7. Wonderful website, I can appreciate the design concept, nicely done! I love her interpretation of the subject matter. The location,colors,& exposure is just beautiful!
    Thanks, Good weekend PVE!

  8. I've always loved this pic of you. She captured you perfectly.

  9. oh my ...
    you know pve, i have always been drawn to the eloquence of your photo from the moment i discovered your blog and now after visiting elizabeth's site and viewing her works, you can truly understand how masterfully she creates ... and how perfectly she captured you ... not an image of the moment, but one to transcend ...
    her site is exquisite ...
    thanks so much for sharing ~

  10. Divine is what I would call these pictures.

  11. wow!! she website is gr8!! she is a marvelous photographer!

  12. I remember the first time I entered your blog and saw that photograph of you. I thought to myself, "Who IS this woman?" As others have already commented, in this portrait you look mysterious, sassy, and from another time. I would add that you look confident, knowing, and even royal. A woman in her prime. I don't think any person could view this image of you without experiencing at least some of the curiosity and wonder I did. EB's portrait of you will stand the test of time.

  13. Also, I peeked at EB's new website and can see how her sensibilities, her eye, is well represented there. She is definitely one who could provide us with photos of ourselves that our descendants will fight over!

  14. Yippppeeee! Yahhhooooo! I love her work already, and now I there is a website...BONUS!

  15. I just had to come back and comment on how incredibly GORGEOUS her site is...every single detail is stunning! My husband and I can't stop looking at it's dreamy beauty...thank you for sharing your friend with us.

  16. Hi Patricia! I've seen Elizabeth's work in person and it's nothing short of extraordinary. You two certainly are an artistic force! Enjoy your weekend!

  17. This is an amazing photo of you, PVE! I've always admired it and now can't wait to see more of this photographers work! Have a wonderful weekend.

  18. What an exquisite photo of you! Your friend's site and work are remarkable. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Having seen Elizabeth's drawings of children on your blog, I commissioned her to do my two grandchildren. I received an email from her yesterday saying that they are in the mail, and I should receive them by Wednesday. I am very excited about it!

  20. sophie-
    yes, I know they will be wonderful!
    Elizabeth has an exquisite eye and I know she was quite pleased with the way turned out.

  21. Her work and her website is really beautiful!

  22. I have ALWAYS adored that photograph of you - how nice to know the artist that produced it!
