
Thursday, July 16, 2009

she takes the cake

"Take the Cake" Wedding Cake
"Take the Cake?" Would you love to have a slice of this sophisticated cake? Not only was it artfully created, but incredibly delicious. I had the pleasure of tasting a sliver, one slice of carrot cake and the other was my favorite classic white wedding cake.
Although my sketch looks a bit washed out, it was not, blame it on the lighting. The tables were skirted with a gorgeous cypress green crinkle and really added an elegant touch. This baker really takes the cake for baking not only an incredible creation but a tasty one at that. Rumor has it that this baker (Mary) takes the cake all the time!


  1. What a stunning cake...and your sketch does it justice...oh they are going to have such a marvelous collection of your talent when you're many sketches were you consigned to do?

  2. This looks like the most lovely wedding. I love the cake, and those elegant bridesmaid gowns! So beautiful!

  3. Finally, a beautiful wedding cake that actually tastes good! This is my true test when it comes to wedding's so important to taste good, don't you think?

    Love the sketch!

    One question, how will all these glorious works of art be displayed? Has the bride specified? I shared your weekend with Sean, and he LOVED the idea of someone sketching a wedding - "so meaningful and elegant" - his exact words!

  4. Char,
    I have a minimum of six, but I always aim to do more and always succeed in doing more and my client loving them all. It is a real adrenaline rush. I fret over nothing and just "do it."
    Try it at one of your girl's parties...The other kids will love it as well as the parents.

  5. Very elegant and sophisticated! Your work speaks for itself.

  6. Let us eat cake, shall we? I was at a wedding a few years ago-and the cake was DELICIOUS! I have never tasted anyting like it. And it was beautiful. They have come a long way- since the day of just white cake and sugary roses.....

  7. Your cake looks perfect enough to eat! Very pretty. Enjoy! xoxo

  8. All of your wedding illustrations are so very neat. What a cool way to capture the special day!

  9. What a dream that cake is and I love your illustration.

  10. I just cheched out your posts from this week...Your sketches of the wedding are awesome! Great work pve!!! The bride and groom are sooo lucky to have these works of art. Happiness!

  11. Looks beautiful and delicious!

  12. Simply breathtaking...great work as always!

  13. What a gorgeous cake! How unique and elegant, your sketch indeed does it justice Patricia!

  14. Carrot cake?!! I love this couple already.

  15. Love it! Confections make such good models!

  16. These wedding illustrations just keep getting better and better!

  17. I am really enjoying this progression. So much fun and such a great illustration of your talent!

  18. I love your desk drawing over at Stylecourt, wish my desk was that neat and precise!

  19. Yum, that cake looks so good! I'm craving sweets right now and that would hit the spot :)
