
Friday, June 19, 2009

moving up

Moving up day, Amelia and I
A moving day for me as my youngest child celebrated her moving up day today.  She will be a 5th grader come fall and I ask myself, "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?"   I did not think that I would be emotional but I was.  June is a time for moving up and on to Summer.  I am full of hope for this class and to see them smiling with confidence shows that they are ready for more.  Are you moving up or anyone around you?
Thank-you Ellen for this wonderful photo.  I shall cherish this moment.


  1. Beautiful picture!
    And the moving up part i totally get, i am getting to terms with the past and letting things go so i can move up and become a great artist. Have a lovely weekend with your family.
    xoxo M

  2. Thank you for sharing your special day with us. What a sweet photo of you and Amelia. Thank you also for lending your lovely hand to my blog. I miss everyone so much. I pray that things will take a turn soon. Until then- you are a bright spot in my day along with the thoughtful comments on my blog.
    Love to all~

  3. I hope you have the most gorgeous frame for this beautiful photo of you and your daughter.....she is lovely like her Mom!

  4. What a beautiful photo! I can imagine the excitement and nostalgia you are feeling as a mom. My guy is starting preschool next year, and I think I'm more excited and anticipatory than anyone else in the house! Congrats to you and your daughter!

  5. A special day indeed! Congrats to your beautiful daughter - it's obvious where she gets her stunning looks!

    Wishing you both a wonderful summer!

  6. What a special day and great picture of two sweet girls! Congratulations.
    I am celebrating the weekend with all my men! DH, 2 sons and younger son's college roommate!

  7. What a great photo of happy graduate and proud mommy!

  8. Wow what a beautiful photo...I got teary reading your post. Congratulations to Amelia! xoxo

  9. Congrats! My youngest is moving up to middle school in the fall 6th grade a move up here! And my oldest, will be a Junior! Almost top dog in her school!
    Enjoy the 5th grade year, here it is extremely packed with events, fun and a busy year!

  10. Such a sweet photo!
    Son is moving up to high school in the fall! Oh my!

  11. Oh, you two are so beautiful! What an exciting day.

  12. A beautiful photo of you, and your daughter is as sweet as can be. You both look so happy!

    I have a few issues I am trying to leave behind, and move up and away from them. I believe I will be successful.

  13. You girls are B-E-A-U-T-I-F-F-U-L!!
    Your love shines from within my dear friend. You and Amelia could pass for sisters!

    Congratulations Amelia as you move upward. Enjoy my little friend!

    Have a golden weekend! xoxo

  14. oh what shining faces you two beautiful girls have! amelia looks so bright and excited for the day and the many days ahead ... pve, you look so graceful, joyful, proud and a bit reflective ... such a treasure for the two of you to cherish. i am delighted you have shared this!
    moving up to their final grade 12 year will be our twin boys ... and possibly moving 'out' is our oldest son as he sets his sights on a home of his own ...
    give them wings and they will fly ~

  15. Congratulations to you both - this is what life is all about !!

  16. I love the look of hope & excitement for the future that shines from the eyes of the 2 beautiful girls in this pic Patricia.
    Millie ^_^

  17. Such an emotional two look so happy and beautiful together!
    May you moving up and on be filled with joy and tenderness for each other!

    It all passes so fast!

    My oldest two boys already out of the nest and my daughter graduating from elementary school next week. The little one starts 4th grade, they all grow so quickly.


  18. Sweet smiles. Moving up is the only way to go. Have a good weekend.

  19. If I could take pictures of people that happy and that bursting with pride every day, life would be a happy place!

  20. Aw she is absolutely precious! I remember my fifth grade graduation... my mom cried the whole time! They had a "clap out" where the whole school stands in the hallways and the 5th graders walk through the entire school while everyone claps... :)

  21. You're going to make me cry with this lovely pic. I can't believe that's the little baby I went to see the in hospital. Happy moving up day!

  22. This is a wonderful phots - I love your smiles and the light in your eyes. Wishing you a fantastic weekend!

  23. Look at the two of beautiful and such a photo to treasure. don't worry, i find myself getting emotional at times i would never expect to these days. they grew up when i was watching closely, but it's never closely enough.

  24. Like mother, like daughter -you're both adorable :-) "Thats a framer" as my grandma used to say!

  25. What a great picture! Such an exciting time in her life, I would love to go back to 5th grade just for a few weeks, ok maybe days, but it sure would be fun.

    I hope you have a great summer with her!!

  26. You two are beautiful! So sweet.

  27. Darling photo of you and little Missy!

  28. Beautiful photo! Mason is moving out of primary and into secondary come fall. His class play and graduation ceremony was this past week. When they sang 'We Go Together' (from Grease) I got very emotional. I guess it's all a part of motherhood - the greatest joy in the world.

  29. Awww how pretty that picture is...what beauties! time goes by so fast!

  30. Happy Smiles. Your gal is beautiful ... as only a child filled with love and life can be.

    Mom looks happy too! Amelia looks so like you.

  31. Gorgeous both of you. And, even when I least expect them to be, transitions always trip me up just a little.

  32. What a wonderful picture! My daughter will be in 5th grade too, I can't believe it. In a blink she will be in college. Have a wonderful summer before moving up to 5th grade!

  33. Congratulations to Amelia and you, too! What a sweet photo...she looks like you!

  34. This is just too gorgeous and you both look radiant.....Happy weekend, xv.

  35. Charming, charming, charming!!
    Thanks for sharing this lovely photo!

  36. What a beautiful photo...I used to teach 3rd grade and this time of the year was always a jumble of emotions as we were all eager for summer vacation, but sad knowing that we would be saying goodbye...there are still days I miss being in the classroom...who knows maybe someday I will return :o)Have a great weekend!

  37. Great photo of you and Amelia. It seems our friends always capture us the best.

  38. What a lovely mother-daughter duo. The picture is beautiful. You look so happy.

  39. When I first saw the photograph I thought it was one of two sisters. On closer inspection aided by your post I could see the love and bond only a mother and daughter could have. I am so pleased you have that and that you share her path so much.

  40. Clarity,
    Oh, flattery will get you everywhere....and maybe even a pve design, drawing....

  41. That is a beautiful photo. And, not just because the subjects are beautiful but also because it is so full of evident emotion. XXOO

  42. this is adorable! and although i am not married with a nieces and nephew are growing like weeds and i get it... you just wish you could put them in a "holding pattern" for a little while longer.... so sweet.. x pam

  43. You both look wonderful. A fine memory.

    My daughter is starting "JK" in the fall. It didn't occur to me that much would be different from last year's pre-school until I stepped foot onto the grounds and realized that the ride was just beginning. I can't imagine being in one school, in one town for that matter, for my whole grammar school experience. It's going to be interesting.

  44. What a beautiful photo!! And in this particular shot, she is a TOTAL "mini me" -- I have to think you looked exactly the same at her age!
