
Monday, May 04, 2009

ever green

It is no secret that I adore the color green.  Please enjoy a collection of photos from Europe last year.  We stayed in several cities, but it was the country side which captured my heart.  I was impressed by all the green around me.
A water fall in the hills of Alsace Lorraine where we hiked.

A vineyard in Alsace.  Everywhere we looked there was green and I felt so happy.
What color makes you happy?


  1. Definately green also with a splash of yellow! Have a great Monday.

  2. Green is by far my favorite color too but lately I've been loving the color of the year, marigold. Yummy!

  3. The photos are beautiful! Funny, my post today is about color, as well. Today, in honor of spring exploding all around me, I think my favorite is pink, but I also adore orange, yellow, and green.

  4. I'm not a one color woman. I love shades of purple, however, I adore the jewel tone colors (royal blue, fuschia etc). I could add sky blue and ballet pink. But you get the idea!

  5. Gray, purple and white.
    Just looked up the meaning of the colors:
    *Gray is a Elegant Neutral, Balanced color.
    *Purple is a mysterious color, purple is associated with both nobility and spirituality
    *White is purity, cleanliness, and innocence.
    The colors we choose in life say a lot about us.

  6. Gorgeous pictures that make me miss my family this time of year. Never enough color in this world!

  7. I am loving greeen more and more. Of course in nature it is truly a gift.

  8. Beautiful pictures!!
    My favourite colours are Purple and Deep Blue. But the colour lila / pink makes me happy.

  9. I'm with you. Green makes me very happy. Also the color purple with pinky cast.

  10. Green is definitely one of my all time favorite colors, in all its shades! I love the mint green I associate with the 1930s the most.

  11. What beautiful images... I love green. Have a great start to your week...

  12. Green!

    It's my favorite, even my son knows it. Purple a close second. Oddly enough...the same faves as my mom, even though our tastes are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

  13. Lately I've been a green girl as well...something very soothing and yet simultaneously energizing about it.

  14. I adore green. I am about to head out to buy a can of spring green paint for my dining room chairs...LOVE how happy it makes me!

  15. You called it perfectly.
    My favourite colour is green.
    In all its delightful shades.

  16. That image of the waterfall is stunning - I need a vacation!!

  17. Green is so peaceful. It's wonderful to see now that spring has arrived. Love your pictures from France/Europe! Looks like it was a wonderful vacation.

  18. Perhaps it is cliché to say, but my favorite color often changes with the season. How can one not revel in the glorious green unfurling itself right now! Divine!

  19. My fave color is white...I know--it's not a color (my kids keep telling me!) I love the pristineness of it!

  20. Tara,
    I love white too - Just bought fresh white towels and sheets and a white mattelasse coverlette.

  21. I love the colour of sunsets, and I do love green as well! Lovely images!

  22. My favorite color too! You know they say those that love green the most tend to be successful in life...

  23. What beautiful photos, Patricia!I love green!

  24. These green images are beautiful and captivating, but I'm one of those who adores anthing in all shades of aqua.

  25. A little late checking in, any bright and happy color is my fav, but if I have to pick one it would be green. xoxo

  26. I'll just let you guess what is my favorite! Hope you (and your sister) are doing well.

  27. btw: LOVE the drawing of the 2 dawgs in the baby pool. xoh

  28. love the green, your trip must have been unbelievable!
