
Tuesday, May 05, 2009

As you like it

"The Players Club" - a social club founded by Edwin Booth, a Shakespearian actor

Last evening, I attended an intimate event at The Players Club in New York City located on Grammercy Park.   The Princess Grace Awards is an organization committed to helping emerging artists realize their career goals.  The evening titled, "The Long and Winding Road:
From Emerging to Established Artist" included three artists engaged in an informal in-depth conversation between Estelle Parsons and Toccarra Cash (a 2007 Princess Grace Award Winner) moderated by Dick Cavett.
Toccarra Cash, Estelle Parsons, Dick Cavett on stage, "talking"

While each of us are on our own pursuit on this long and winding road, the actors shared wise words, "Be true to yourself" - "Hold a mirror to see if you like what you see" - "Fear is good."
Estelle won an Academy Award for the movie Bonnie and Clyde and everyone loved that her Award used to sit high up on a shelf and after years of reaching for it to show when asked, she decided to keep it "on the floor" - sort of a stage if you will. ( Some actors have been known to carry it around for special treatment.)  Not Estelle, there is not one ounce of false pretense, she was warm, witty and down to earth.  She is about to go on a 44 week traveling tour with the play "August: Osage County."  Please see it - if it comes to you.  Estelle is full of energy and passion on and off stage.

Toccarra Cash will make her theatre debut:  the off-Off Broadway production Bonfire Night, 
a new  play by playwright, Joan Baker, which will open May 6th through May 10th at the cell Theatre.  Toccarra spoke so eloquently of her passion for acting and having met James Earl Jones as a memorable moment.  Ms. Cash shared her tips for surviving rejection, having a good support system around you, family and friends and a strong spiritual values to provide a soft place to turn to helps her and to realize that the details are so "miniscule" in this business.  
Ms. Cash is stunning and was articulate, a lady and has an infectious laugh.  I hope to see more of Ms. Cash pursue her dreams as an actor, she radiates elegance and star quality.
Dick Cavett, a media and theatre legend was the moderator and he did a great job of fielding answers as well as giving his own witty insight.  "Talk Show" Cavett's blog currently appears on the New York Times website.  I spoke with Mr. Cavett and told him how honored I was to know that I was blogging with the best of them.  

Do you know of an emerging artist, dancer or actor - that would benefit from a little recognition from the Princess Grace Foundation?  I am more than happy to share this with the foundation.  During these challenging times, we need to remember those that entertain, so I encourage each of you to support a worthy cause for the Arts.  The Players Club was founded for Edwin Booth, a place that actors could go to off the beaten path.  It is a stunning spot full of history right in the heart of Grammercy Park.  Stanford White was the architect of this wonderful building.  These places also need our support to continue to thrive for future generations.  Do you support any local art charities?


  1. How fabulous, and very inspirational!

  2. P~ Sounds like a fascinating evening and very inspiring. So important to showcase and encourage artists, especially the young. Art needs to be realized as a true profession-and not just glitz. Do what you love and you will be successful.

  3. Sounds like a truly inspiring evening Patricia. Lovely building.

  4. What a great evening! You get to do more cool stuff through this foundation :-)

  5. Sounds like you had an amazing evening for an amazing cause.

  6. You have a good, generous and wise soul. Much is returned to those who give from the heart.

  7. Looks like a wonderful evening and a great foundation!

  8. What a thrilling evening! I love New York!

    I agree with Debra, do what you love and everything else will follow.

    Speaking of love, I'm off to the garden....

  9. What an amazing evening and organization!! This is wonderful and inspiring!
    kari & kijsa

  10. What a fun night, I'm sure. The building is amazing - It would be nice to live near so many Stanford White gems.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Yes, I have a membership to the NJ Shakespeare Festival. I posted about it on April 25th.
    I also visit the Hudson Valley Shakespeare Festival. It's food for the mind, heart and soul.

    I also support the local food bank which desperately needs more help than ever in these difficult economic times.

  13. (Chapter 11 almost made me cry,...I love it, thx you very much..again Patricia!!)

  14. i love that building!!

  15. Hi Patricia,
    Sounds like a wonderful evening for you, full of inspiration. Everyone needs those type of creative functions to keep going and creating.

  16. Hi Patricia,
    Either you are Superwoman or you are a master in time management! I applaud you for juggeling a career and a family life while enjoying the good things in life!
    Gr. M

  17. M-
    nope, not superwoman, just trying to live a full life and give me some "oxygen" - if I had my own way, I would be a monk or some sort of artist hidden in a cloister...nah, but it does sound full of intrigue!
    how's the painting class?

  18. Ive always loved the buildings with a key to G. Park. They are very fabulous :)

  19. that really is just the most perfect building, and it is a bit of a magical spot, or so I think each time I walk by. What a wonderful charity! Very important to support the arts in these times, especially since it seems that the great arts philanthropists have gone the way of the dodo these days...or maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic for Ms. Astor!

  20. What a nice evening...and i am sure in this economy students considering the arts will think twice but they should not--we need them ESPECIALLY during a time like this!

  21. I love me some Dick Cavett! Did you ever see the PBS documentary about his house in Montauk? Fabulous!

    I don’t donate to any local art charities per se, but I *do* attend local productions (even high school ones), concerts, etc. whenever possible. I think it's so important to encourage local talent...and I for one would be lost without the arts!

  22. Yes very inspiring and a very beautiful building! xoxo

  23. Sounds like a lovely evening Patricia!

  24. Patricia~ sounds like you had a very stimulating evening. Thank you for the very sweet comment today! XO

  25. Finished the book! What a great gift, thank you very much Patricia!!! XX, Carmela.
