
Friday, July 18, 2008

little red door

There is nothing finer than a red door.  This illustration was done for a client who is working on a special surprise for her husband while he is away, (this illustration being one of the surprises along with another one, a secret!)  So nice to come home to surprises and to be a part of a surprise. Do you have any surprises in the works?  I just love surprises.  I like red doors too.


  1. I love red doors too! I do have a surprise... he's almost 4 years old & he's pouring chocolate milk into his Oatios ;-)

  2. heidi-
    what a sweet little surprise! enjoy every surpise of your 4 year old. lots in store!

  3. That's a nice little jolly house! I have a surprise, but I can't tell anyone about it for another week or so.It's interesting how much more patient one can be as they get older.I could never keep a surprise a surprise very long when I was young. In a week, then....

  4. nantucket mermaid,
    I for one shall be sitting on my "tail" anxiously awaiting your surprise! Yes, funny how as we get older and wiser, secrets are easier to hold on to.
    My husband has a big b-day next year, and my wheels are turning for a nice surprise!

  5. I love the idea of a surprise, but I'm too much of a control freak to actually like them for ME, haha. I love red doors too -this house is ADORABLE!

  6. I loooove red doors. I have been trying to paint my front door red for years, but my husband keeps nixing it. Maybe I will surprise HIM one day.

  7. I love how this picture totally depicts the feeling you get when you stumble across a red door!

    Surprises are the absolute best!

  8. Courtney-
    Oh, you are amazing, just saw that you are on route to NYC for your hair!
    Have a fine time in the HOT city!

  9. I haven't any surprises in the works, but I do love them.

    Red doors have always been a favorite of mine. Against the clean white clapboards, they really, really work.

    I love this illustration, as I do all of yours.

  10. My house, my house!!! Yeah! How much fun to pop on line to visit my new friend Patricia and see my cute house! She did an amazing job on this great surprise for my husband - who volunteered for a week and came home to a master bedroom redo. Shocked and touched doesn't even begin to cover it!
    Patricia is AMAZING and it's wonderful to have an visual reminder of the home we are raising our daughter in. Thank you! (Janet, just DO it while he's away for the day! The red makes me happy and will make you happy too!)

  11. cc-
    oh joy! my surprise was posting your lovely home with the inviting red door! thrilled you stopped by and left a comment for me.
    enjoy your weekend!

  12. Oh, I usually have a hard time keeping "surprises" and leak them out over time! :-) And if a surprise is being kept from me I can't stand it! I like to know!!! :-)

    Love red doors. Love them, and love your little drawing. So sweet!

    Happy surprises!


  13. I am working on a surprise this very evening! A friend is just home from the hospital and I am bringing her dinner in a basket tomorrow. Homemade soup, fresh baked bread, pound cake, a baby watermelon , french berry lemonade, flowers and tons of magazines. The cake's in the oven and the bread is rising! Don't tell!

  14. No surprises for me, but I LOVE red doors. I've always wanted one. Maybe one day... Sigh. This is a beautiful illustration.

  15. Love the red door, and the illustration is adorable. Almost considering it for the reno. But landing on a light teal, I think...

  16. I love red doors. Someday I hope to have one again.

    Love your illustration! The blooming tree in the front adds such softness.

  17. This is so cute Patricia! Man, I wish I had one of your pieces to put in every room of my house. I just love them all!

    I have a surprise in the works... when my husband is gone (later in the month) he'll come home to a new color all over the walls. Te-he

  18. Great new illustrations, Patricia! I do have to agree with Be The Change about surprises! As long as it is something I picked out, you can surprise me any day.


  19. Red doors are such a classic. This illustration is wonderful.

  20. While I love them all....this is my absolute favorite. It reminds me of my childhood with my grandparents. Now if only they'd had a bright red door! :)
