
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

pool party

If you have a pool, then you have the perfect setting for a "pool party!"  When I was in my teens, my parents put in an in ground swimming pool and suddenly our home became the party spot or gathering place for family and friends.  I have fond memories of making fresh fruit salads, ice tea and our yellow and white pool furniture.  

Do not despair, if you do not have a pool, think of a small blow-up inflatable pool for a children's party.  Serve ice pops, lemonade and fresh watermelon.  Turn on the sprinkler and let the kids have some fun.  Add hoola-hoops, water balloons and you will surely see smiles.  Even grown-ups will want to run through the sprinkler! 


  1. Not sure if the chicly dressed people in these illustrations would want to run through a sprinkler - as hot as it gets here in DC though I'd never turn one down!

  2. be the change -
    So right you are, I need to do some illustrations of people running through the sprinkler, you would be pleasantly surprised at how many people would jump for joy at the site of a sprinkler, especially on those hot, humid, sweltering summer days.

  3. Very cute! Chic pool party... so East Coast! Is this in the Hamptons?
    Can't wait to see your next party... you're quite the party girl this week!
    Is it just me... or did you brighten the colours on your site?
    BTW... GREAT job on London Calling!
    Off to browse... Have a great day!

  4. These are great. We have a in ground pool and our house is fast becoming the party house. All though I don't think we all look as chic as your lovely painting :)

    PS- I LOVE the header/logo you did for London Calling. It is divine!

  5. Love these illustrations. Now I want a pool. Not sure the inflatable will do though.

  6. oops... READ label, blonde girl... "Hampton Pool Party"... sorry to ask silly questions... tootles!

  7. Love the illustration for the destination wedding- that's in my neck of the woods!
    working on your paris design on a dime!

  8. Just for kicks....Please add that drawing to your list of "to do's...." Adults chicly dressed running through the sprinkler. What a hoot!

  9. You know, I love running through sprinklers. In fact, when my girlfriends and I train for our 3-day, 60 mile walk for breast cancer, we relish the ones along our route! :-)

  10. I need that haircut for summer- the blonde with the sunglasses and yellow shirt!
    BTW- you are all the rage on my blog. Thanks again.

  11. london,
    blimey, I am ecstatic with the praise over your blog, masthead! thanks - it was an honor!

  12. We are all about the blow-up pool parties at our house!

  13. Yay sprinklers! A personal favorite.

  14. pve thank you for stopping by my blog, as always. Aren't teh illustrated windows these days fab? You are painting up a storm these days with summer illustrations. I love the Hamptons & Patio ones.....I'm traveling next month & am bringing my paints in tow. You've inspired me!

  15. I love that everyone in your illustrations has the most elegant, slender figures and legs as long as Elle McPherson's! What great illustrations, gets me excited for our July 4th block party.
