
Monday, November 04, 2013

monday motivation - never give up (give-away)

Hello Monday.  How many of you would love to win this little tote with the wonderful motivating words from Winston Churchill?  Just yesterday, I shared this quote with my sister.  It's going to be my motivation for this month.

What is it that motivates you to never never never give up?  Do you have goals that keep you motivated?  Do you reward yourself for a job well done?  I would love to know how you keep motivated to never give up and to "Just keep going" -
a winner (of this little zipper bag from paper-source)shall be selected and posted wednesday.

Wishing each of you strength, courage and a strong will to never never never give up.


  1. When we feel like giving up, we stay motivated thinking of people like Diana Nyad who at 64 finally realized her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida! Hope your week is filled with triumphs, PVE.
    C + C

  2. Tenacious. Quietly tenacious is probably a apt description of my goal setting. Adversity simply means we are being stretched in order to grow. But re-evaluation along the way is a must.
    xoxo Mary

  3. Love it! Great reminder for everyday!

  4. Boy, did I ever need this post today! Thank you for sharing this most important quote!

    Lots of hurdles and road blocks of late... gonna keep on keepin' on!



  5. This is a great reminder! Lots of things gong on in my life that make me want to just pull the covers over my head. But I can't so I just keep moving forward, slowly and persistently.

  6. Winston Churchill's speech has pulled me through many a mucky mire!

    I am a great fan of his cutting wit and extraordinary cunning; Even more so, his utmost resolve and obstinacy!

    “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”
    ― Winston Churchill



  7. Diana Nyad, 64 finally realized her dream of swimming from Cuba to Florida!after 4 tryes + 30 odd years! My focus for the day is "Just Do It. It isn't brain surgery." + great post.

  8. Adversity gives us depth and I too needed this reminder tonight.
    A good tomorrow to all of us!

  9. My faith inspires me! I believe there are lessons around every corner and know that they're all for my good--as I once read in a book, everything makes you more!

    Went to bed thinking about you last night...hope you're doing well!

