
Friday, October 11, 2013

pocket files

 If you are looking for a tool to keep everything organized and in one place, I highly recommend the Mead pocket files.  You can find them online or at Staples.   I keep one for my home finances and another one for my business.

 After many years, I realize that time is money but taking the time to create a spot to gather and record is a great way to stay organized.

A dear friend gave me this pretty ginger jar a few years ago and I have named it my "feng shui money jar" which I keep a few lucky items and some spending money.  There is a lucky wishbone, a crystal, some dirt from my garden and some lucky gold chocolate coins given to me.
It's a great way to ensure that there is always a bit of luck or a few dollars for a treat.
Firstly, I make a pot of tea and take time to gather my weekly receipts and then record them.  It has certainly helped to show exactly where the money goes and created a savings because when you write it down, you are much more honest.

Do you use pocket files or a budget system for you house hold or business?
I would love to know what system you use for keeping your finances and files organized.


  1. What a wonderful little red tea tin. The organizer looks really handy.

  2. S. Etole,
    Thank-you. Having both the tea tin and the pocket files remind me that everything has a place to keep my calm and carrying on.
    Happy weekend to you~

  3. Well, for my business, I'm pretty organized....I write down every expense within a couple of days. Personal stuff, not quite so careful and I need to be. Great reminder!!

  4. The notebook is a great idea...just what I need for my new business. And I love your ginger jar idea! I need to try that!

    Have a lovely weekend, Patricia! xoxo

  5. MJH,
    It is great to have everything in one spot and know where to find it all - so I highly recommend the mead pocket file or an envelope system.
    Happy weekend to you too.

    Yes, it does help to keep things organized for home and for business. Good luck to you with your new business. The ginger jar was a lucky gift.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  6. I am continually working to keep paperwork, to~do lists, and finances in order and accessible. Will have to look at this system more closely.
