
Thursday, May 16, 2013

rockin my herb garden

Local rivertown artist Jennifer Orkin Lewis hand paints these hip rock herb garden markers which you can find over here in her etsy shop along with some great prints and colorful artwork.  Last weekend, we planted our herb garden and I have to tell you it is rockin.  One son is home from college.  He finished his sophomore year and rocked it with a 4.0.  We've been talking a lot about cook's ingredients since next year he will be living in a house and cooking.
Aromatic herbs and spices do infuse a lot of flavor even to the simplest salad, omelette, pasta or main dish.  It's fun to share knowledge with my son and try to give him some valuable advice so that he can get excited about preparing good flavorful cuisine.

Do you have a favorite herb that adds to creating a more flavorful life?  


  1. Oh, this's a great idea!!!
    Have a nice day =)

  2. These rocks are if only I had an herb garden! My husband is so fussy about our landscaping, he won't let me plant even a tiny one.

    Congratulations to your son on being halfway through college and rocking that 4.0! We picked up our youngest yesterday - hard to believe he is done with his first year already!

    Enjoy your day!! xoxo

  3. Congrats to your son!

    And I just make do with smelling to figure out the herbs:). Of course with only four sorts it's not terribly difficult. Lacks elegance, but so it goes.

  4. I love fresh basil on sandwiches and adore rosemary for cooking meats...

  5. MC plants a basil "garden" each year. Love what it adds to his "dishes"! Yes, he is Master Chef also!!!

  6. A 4.0! Excellent! Congratulations to him for his hard work and to you for raising such a hard working young man.

    I like these rocks, I may need to get a few for my little herb garden.

    I thin one can never go wrong with the basics, basil, oregano, tarragon, chives, thyme, and mint. My new addition this year is Chocolate Mint, it is heavenly!

    Have a great week and thank you for your thoughtful comments.


  7. Cilantro is still one of our favorites for almost any dish and who could not love romantic rosemary?! Those little rocks do rock!
    C + C

  8. Wow Patricia congratulations to your son for doing so well!

    The love rock marks! I just planted a few of my favorites, dill, rosemary, basil. Have fun in your garden!


  9. These rocks are so cute :) I love cilantro so much!

  10. Thanks Patricia, I have thyme, rosemary, chives, lemon balm, mint and spearmint and sage so far. But I'm to get some more when I have a minute...!

  11. those rocks are beautiful! so cool that you are teaching your son about cooking and flavor. And VERY impressed with the 4.0 wow!

    My favorite herb is basil. although cilantro and rosemary are close seconds. I'm kind of dying to try a desert with bananas, vanilla and rosemary. i think it would make an amazing flavor combination.
