
Monday, April 29, 2013

monday motivation - get started

During my open studio tour, one question that was repeatedly posed was,
"How do you get started with creating your art?"
Many visitors shared desires to create an artful life and wondered "How do I start?"

Job security has caused many to look at what sort of career they want rather than being subject to paranoia of today's economic environment and job insecurity.  Perhaps you need to work part time at getting started to build your artwork and take a job to provide income in order to pay your monthly bills.  It is doable, but one needs a vision and a plan of action in order to get started.

I will be adding this to my services if anyone needs coaching to get their artistry started.
I am happy to provide motivation by e-mail or phone.
Start by reading, researching and networking about your career as an artist.
Do you have a muse, a mentor or a plan of action to start your career as an artist?
 Starting Your Career as an Artist is a comprehensive manual full of sound advice for artists seeking to advance their professional careers. Veteran art career professionals Angie Wojak and Stacy Miller show aspiring artists how to evaluate their goals, create a plan of action, and use their talents to build a productive life in the art world. Chapters cover topics essential to the emerging artist, such as building community through networking, collaborating, and finding mentors; setting up a studio; health and safety for artists; artist’s resumes and CVs; developing marketing plans; finding alternative exhibition venues; and refining career aspirations. In addition, the book includes inspiring and insightful interviews with professional artists and well-known players in the art scene.
 What sort of tools or skills do you need to create your art career?  How can you find a niche or an audience that will want your art?  Is it a hobby?  Is it something you can see becoming a full time career?  If you need assistance to get started, contact me and I would be delighted to meet with you and objectively work with you to create a plan to get started.  Contact me on my website here.  We can meet, e-mail or chat by phone.  I've been right where you are and in order to get started, sometimes all it takes is a little hand holding and positive support.


  1. brilliant, you are the perfect resource for aspiring and working artists. Will be ordering that book, thank you for sharing.

    All I need for a little motivation...a deadline. Thanks for the Monday I'm back to work

  2. Such a smart idea! Getting started as a creative is not always the easiest thing to do, especially in the beginning and you don't have a creative circle to help you work through the process. I know you'll be a great resource :)

  3. Patricia, love this post and have read the first book and will now pick up a copy of the second book. Thanks for listing them!

    I am so glad the open studio was a success!


  4. This is the most motivational post I've read today! I always tell myself if I had more time for my art...but I also know that I need $$$. It's a delicate you have mastered!

  5. Love this! Just what I needed as this Monday afternoon is giving me the blahs- I needed this little pick me up!

  6. Run! Run!
    Brilliant idea!
    Have a nice day.

  7. This post is amazing - I'm a self-taught artist and was wondering how i can get my creative career going. I'll definitely check out those books.

  8. Hi Patricia, This is a wonderful concept. Yes, it does all start with that initial commitment and first step. Great post. xoxox

  9. Hi Patricia, This is a wonderful concept. Yes, it does all start with that initial commitment and first step. Great post. xoxox

  10. Thank-you to each of you. I am always delighted to receive your comments. I feel as though I know many of you for years like old friends and then some like new friends. I wish each of you success with everything you "get started" with.
