
Friday, February 15, 2013

twins are twenty

circa 1993
Our twin sons shall be celebrating a special birthday.  Twenty years old on the eighteenth.  I wanted to share this photo of my husband and I strolling along when we lived in Manhattan.  We had a double stroller but loved the how portable these striped strollers were.  I loved living in the city when they were little and then we moved to the suburbs when they were 3 to have a house, a garden and well more space for them to grow.  When they turned five, I left the fashion world and my full time career to devote my time to them and worked freelance as an artist.  I would not change a thing. It's true you cannot buy back the time.
 My sisters warned me that it would go fast.  I love this image of my boys.  I love them so very much.
I will be seeing my boys this weekend and spending time laughing together.  The smiles they have light me up and make me laugh.  I can hardly wait to see them.  Now they are men, compared to this photo.
Both boys are in college and they attend schools not even an hour away from each other.  How lucky are we!
We spent many fun times on Block Island flying kites and have some fantastic memories.  Look at that smile.  I still remember the way my red head would pat down his thick hair.  Both boys shave their heads now.
We have many photos of the boys with their little sister at Settlers Rock.

One son is an ROTC sophomore and here he is working in the classroom last summer while he was in Africa for CULP.  
He will be looking to intern this summer and I am in hopes he will find something interesting and challenging.  He is studying business and would be happy to land a job so keep me posted if you are looking for a summer intern.  I know he is open to learning and gain experience.
His fraternity has taught him all about brotherhood.  He calls them his brothers too.
He has a girlfriend and I love how happy they both look together at a fraternity/sorority dinner.
As a parent, we are fortified when our children are happy and thriving.
 Letting go as a Mom is not easy so sunglasses at goodbyes are highly recommended.  Here I am ready to cry as we said Goodbye as we left him at his College as a freshman studying Engineering and is a sophomore.
Over the December holiday, he went to Monaco to see his Grandparents and had a great time with his Auntie there.   I love this image taken in the Hotel de Paris Wine Cellar.   He had a special tour.
I love when I find funny photos of the two of them together.
New Helmets and goggles make everyone act silly.
The next week, I am taking a break as we have our schools shall be on Winter Break.
I know the week will go by fast and I intend to enjoy every minute.
Happy Birthday to my twenty year old twin sons.
That went fast.


  1. Happy birthday! My eldest is 13 next month - I have no idea how that happened!

  2. Happy Birthday to your boys! Enjoy them, Patricia.

  3. Patricia: Love these photos. I can't imagine not taking pictures of family. I see you have a lot of them. All three of your children have beautiful smiles, as do you.
    Enjoy your week and Happy Birthday to your sons!

  4. What wonderful photos! Happy birthday to your sweet boys!!!

  5. Twenty is a great year, happy birthday to them both. Such a beautiful family

  6. I love how one twin resembles you and the other resembles your husband! Happy Birthday to them!

  7. Beautiful post! Happy Birthday to your wonderful boys.

  8. Happy Birthday to your twins, Patricia! This post really touched my heart because my youngest is also turning 20 this is SO hard to believe! He is off at college too but will be home this afternoon for a long weekend and I can't wait.

    Enjoy your time with your handsome sons! xoxoxoxo

  9. Aww, love this sweet post. Yep sunglasses at good-byes are essential. I can hear the mom-love in your heart warming. Mom of twins here too...26 next month, boy & fun.

    Happy Birthday to your handsome boys...and such good must be so proud of the successful men they are becoming! Woohoo!!

  10. Such handsome boys! Happy Birthday to them both. You radiate love for them Patricia... how lucky they were to have you as their mother.

  11. Happiest of birthdays to your boys...what a wonderful recap! I LOVE the first picture of you and your husband in NYC! xx

  12. So sweet...I love all the photos, but that first one with a twin in a stroller for each is my fave. I'm going to take your advice on the sunglasses...Mad just found out she'll be going to Bucknell in the fall...I could not be happier for her, but I know I will be very emotional saying good-bye! You look fabulous by the way!

  13. Wow - we remember meeting you when the twins were taking their drivers' test. Time does fly! Hope you have a wonderful week off.
    C + C

  14. Happy birthday to your boys...time does fly. Our boy #1 just texted he got a girl's phone #....she's in 4th , He's in 5th....5 min later twin#2 texted he got a girl's #. Same girl. Too too soon!

  15. What a sweet post! Happy birthday to your twins. :)

  16. Hi Patricia, They are so handsome!! And tall. Wishing you a wonderfully happy, laughing week-end.

  17. What beautiful boys and what a beautiful Mom and Dad. It must be hard to see them go but so wonderful to know what great young men they are.

    Happy birthday dear boys!!

    Terri xo

  18. Happy Birthday to your boys I mean young men!

  19. This blog post made me smile. What sweet boys you have... And I love the picture of you pushing those strollers in NYC. :)

  20. PS Reading this post while strapped up to fetal monitors at the hospital is either setting one up to be emotional or perfect timing. Not sure which!! ;)

  21. What fantastic pictures! Loved seeing your family. It does go so youngest goes to school next year :).

    If your wondering what happened to my website, I'm converting things over to People on Facebook and Twitter know about the transition, but I thought I would let you know.


  22. Such a sweet, sweet post! Happy birthday to your boys!

  23. Proud momma moments! Enjoy every minute of your time with them. Xo

  24. Oh Patricia,
    I was busy celebrating my husband's birthday and missed this! Happy belated birthday to your amazing sons. I was just looking at photos of my guys today when they were much younger...and the time does fly by.

    I love that you have made your family a priority....nothing can replace that.

    xoxo Elizabeth

  25. awww this is so sweet! They are very handsome young men, and they have a wonderful, thoughtful Mother for sure!
