
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

brave choices

 Indeed, life does take bravery.  When one thinks of all the choices one has to make with each step, it does require lots of give and take.  If you can narrow down your choices in life, then it seems a bit less scary.
At this time, I think of all the seniors who are waiting to hear on college acceptances, on Mother's waiting on births and on others who might be waiting on the job offer.  I think of my Father waiting for my Mother to come home.  Often there are choices that we cannot control and then we have to rely on bravery.

How do you stand tall as choices in life come your way.  Do you give up, give in, or give it all you've got.  I have a few choices coming my way and I intend to give it all I have got.  I hope that all the choices in your life give you strength, focus, clarity and a place to start with a renewed sense of bravery.


  1. True true true. I like to live my life with this reminder :)

  2. We hope one day you will write a little book on motivational essays and include this one in it (along with your wonderful paintings!) Your posts are a great way to start the day, Patricia.
    C + C

  3. I really needed this pep-talk this morning. Many thanks!!!

  4. Beautiful post today! I have to agree with what The Bluzz Blog said!
    Enjoy your day!

  5. Wonderful motivation to start the work week - thank you!

  6. You are such a beautiful lady so caring, sensitive and compassionate, your posts always feed my soul in a delightful and wonderful way. Have a great day Patricia. Claudia xx

  7. I've got to keep giving it all I've true!

  8. Hi Patricia, Oh, so many choices. The only option we really have is to "give it all we've got" and sometimes "all we've got" seems to be not enough...but it's about intention, not lack. Thanks for the reminder...I'm learning so much about focus lately.
    Prayers for your Mom and Dad.

  9. Love this post! You could write book! Give to life all I have got, yep that's my motto.

  10. So many tough moments in life. I of course like to think that I face them with grace and gumption! And I agree with C+C, a book on motivation would be right up your alley!!

  11. I always think you have to fight for life. Remember the scene in 'Bridesmaids' where Melissa McCarthy gets on top of Kristin Wigg and makes her fight for life! hilarious but OH so true!

  12. Doing our best to give it our all can be so trying at times...but there really is no other choice, giving up seens such a non-option.
    Thanks for the inspiration to keep moving forward with strength.
    xo J~
