
Monday, November 05, 2012

monday motivation - nest

My heart goes out to many who are still living without power, heat and even a nest to return to after Storm Sandy left a path of devastation.   Our power was restored on Saturday and it felt so good to return home to warmth and to light.  We are waiting for internet, phone and cable but we are so thankful to have heat, light and electricity.

I wanted to share this innovative thermostat.  I happened to find this nest thermostat during our renovation.  I hope everyone's power is restored soon and that homes will be provided for those that are in need of a comfy warm nest.


  1. yes -these thermostats are wonderful - we're using them on a few projects right now!

  2. I feel for you and everyone going through the storm damage. It's a long road back, but it will get better.
    xo xo

  3. So glad to hear your power is back and you are warm and safe an home. My thoughts are with you and all who are still waiting to power up. Sending continued good wishes your way. XO

  4. such happy news, thankful to hear your power is back on. Breaking to watch the news at night and see the devastation.

    Looking up that thermostat cool

  5. Such a nice reminder that something we take for granted - a thermostat that works and moderates the temperature to where we set it - is something so many are without this last week. Glad to hear you're back to normal and hoping others are soon as well.

  6. Glad that things are gradually returning to normal. Keep warm.

  7. Isn't it wonderful? Thank you again for giving us a little place to nest during the last days.....LOVE!

  8. What wonderful news, glad you are safe + warm.
