
Saturday, November 24, 2012

magic of abundance

Life in abundance comes
through great love
-Elbert Hubbard

 Do you live life believing in the magic of abundance? 
 Do you focus your thoughts on the magic of abundance or do you let Scrooge get a grip on you and hold tight to the notion of scarcity and let the miserly control your thoughts?
 Perhaps I am a dreamer, but I look to the future and very much focus on the plentifulness of good things in life.  It is not that I am content with certain existing situations but rather the hope or promise of tomorrow shall bring wealth and abundance.  I think living with an attitude of "loaves and fishes" and sharing what one has only attracts a life of plenty.
When you think of the upcoming holidays, you think about children sharing food, memories, and religious and cultural events with their families. You don't think about hunger,  sadness, or poverty so cruel that there might not be any gifts, or family dinners, or a warm house. But this is the reality for many families in our area, a reality.

The holidays are approaching fast, and more families than ever are struggling to pay their utility and food bills. With little or no money available for toys, the holidays can look pretty bleak. But you can help make the holidays a magical time for hundreds of children.
As the children gathered together, I was reminded of the joys and hopes we as adults can and want to instill in our children's hearts.
They are our future and while during trying times in our world we must instill a brightness of light and let them know just how much magic they bring to our world.

Promise me that you will live with the magic of abundance and that although times for many are challenging that it is gathering with friends and family and sharing gratitude that we can create magical times for many.


If you want to open your mind to thinking that the future is bright and full of abundance, then you must read this book.  You must watch this, click here.
Here is my Thankful tree created from branches and leaves that I crafted with the help of many children and friends.  Cutting and hanging them on the branches.
It shall serve as a reminder to me when the branches of winter become bare branches.
It is the hope and magic of abundance from which hope springs eternal.

Each guest was asked to write what they are thankful for on the back of these watercolored leaves.
When I prepare my home for the coming of the advent season, it is in the magic of abundance that will bring about great hope and joy.

Promise me you will create the magic of abundance around you and share it with a child or someone who might need a little hope or good cheer.


  1. All too easy to get caught up in the "I wants" of the season! I will have to look up "Abundance", sounds like a good read.

  2. You have my promise. Love your abundance tree.

  3. Magical post!!! We don't celebrate Thanksgiving down here in Australia but I sat in bed on a cloudy Saturday morning (your Thanksgiving) yesterday and gave thanks for everything I have. I am trying to instill gratitude and the concept of abundance and hope into my two young sons. An abundance tree. So doing that next year! Thank you!
    A-M xx

  4. I love your Abundance Tree. Such a great way to teach children about life.

  5. really lovely point here - I was so happy to read this. I just downloaded the sample to my Kindle of "Abundance" - it sounds wonderful. Thank you!!!

  6. Thank you! Am going to order the book. I am sure that the topic of oneness is going to be discussed. The very act of not allowing negativity to creep in creates abundance. So powerful. And we are in charge.

  7. love the tree, spreading your joy to the whole family. I need to watch that video once a week.

    Started our day off with a little're right, it works! Just a little

  8. Lovely post P., and thank you so much for your writing and your art.
