Wednesday, October 31, 2012


This photo was taken by Suzanne Levine who lives in Hastings on Hudson, NY and as you can see the Hudson River before the actual Storm Sandy was rising.  The row of benches you see is under water.  I wanted to give you an update and let you know I am at a friend's who has power.  We have no power but are lucky to have our home.  There is no school and we are all trying to do our best as we wait for power.  I will be taking a break now and will be back as soon as we have power.


Woodside Park said...

I've been watching the news....really awful. I'm glad you all are okay, and hope you get power back soon. Take care, Patricia!

I Dream Of said...

Patricia, I'm so relived to know that you are somewhere safe and warm and with friends. Thanks so much for letting us know about your whereabouts! Take good care. XOXO

Moments and Impressions said...

So glad you are safe and sound (and so is your home). I hope things get back to normal soon.

Michelle said...

oh goodness...hope you get back to normal soon! The pictures are breathtaking...eeeekkk.

take care,

kayce hughes said...

Glad you have a place to go. Our son was rescued by friends in CT.

Unknown said...

Good to know you are ok! Will talk to you tomorrow.
We'll all manage together!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

thankful for your friends...many prayers

Louise @ INGREDIENTS said...

I am glad to hear you are okay! Take care and stay safe.

Karena said...

Stay safe Patricia, your family is in my heart and prayers...

Art by Karena
2012 Artists Series

An Urban Cottage said...

Good to hear you're safe!

onnery said...

Thoughts and prayers for a safe recovery coming your way!

Elsa Louise said...

Be safe, dry, and warm.

Formerly known as Frau said...

It's so horrible to see the devastation...not having power is a pain but having your home,loved ones is a blessing. Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

Lisa Mende said...

So happy to hear from you and know that you are safe! Praying for you and all concerned.

BRASWELL said...

Glad to hear you are OK. Son lives in NY and says it is awful, he is OK(thank god.) Stay dry.

vicki archer said...

I am so happy to know that you and all your family are safe... Fingers crossed power is back soon... What an unimaginable few days... I have been glued to the TV and cannot believe the devastation in such a short time... Mother nature sure does take some turns... xv

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Good to hear that you and your family are safe. I hope you get power soon and take care of yourself during this break.


home before dark said...

Thinkingy of you you~really, powerful thoughts, electric thoughts. Glad you are safe and your home survived.

Unknown said...

I hope all is well with you and your family. We have a lot of family in NY as well who are just waiting it out!

Glitterista said...

Glad you're safe and warm! I hope your power is restored soon.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are safe, looked just horrific on the news updates. Do hope you can get back home soon. x

CREED said...

I've been thinking about you and sending good thoughts your way. Family, home, friends, you are blessed to have all right now. Take good care. ~ C xo

annie@mostlovelythings said...

Thinking of you Patricia...hopefully your power is restored very soon!

LindsB said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are ok and that your family is safe! I hope the power comes back on for you soon, its the same things right? xoxox

Suzanne Levine said...

Nice to see you today, Patricia, and to hear that all is well again. This past week has given us all a lot of time to reflect on the things for which we are grateful.