Sunday, October 28, 2012

surprise me not

I feel as though I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for a surprise.
 A part of me loves surprises and then a part of me not so much. 
 As we sit waiting for Storm Sandy to surprise us or not, we all wonder what sort of wallop lies ahead as we busy ourselves with routine tasks to make us all feel as though we were in control (not).
Here is my pretty white pumpkin perched on a plate with a pretty porcelain berry that I found on my walk.  
I plan to continue on, about my daily business and my routine
Stormy Sandy, surprise me not.

Everyone, be safe and I hope we can all keep calm and carry on.
Let's hope we are all ready and that there are no surprises.


TSL said...

May you and yours, your neighbors, family and friends ride out this storm well, we are all keeping everyone in thought and prayer. Keep us posted!!!

Divine Theatre said...

You are in my prayers. Be safe.



Jennifer C. Webb said...

stay safe, many many prayers

Unknown said...

I am sending out prayers your way from CA!

MJH Design Arts said...

Me, too--sending many prayers to you East Coasters. Stay dry and safe.

Anonymous said...

my thoughts are with you. x

Our French Inspired Home said...

First picture is cute. Hoping everyone stays safe! - Tonya

Joyce said...

I like happy surprises. :) Be safe my friend. xo

The enchanted home said...

Lets hope it passes with minimal damage. The best and most we an do is be prepared, candles, food, batteries, full tank of gas and flashlights! Sending you well wishes.

Formerly known as Frau said...

I'm hoping it is a mild version once it gets here....but East Coast people are prepared and use to this type of weather. I was in NJ when Irene hit I watched my BIL and learned from the best. Stay safe!

quintessence said...

Exactly what I am trying to do! Love your beautiful white pumpkin. Stay safe Patricia and hopefully Sandy will be kind to us in her path.

The Buzz Blog said...

Waiting for the storm to come is almost worst than having it here! Kids are home and the lights are still on... Fingers crossed that we're seeing the worst of it.
C + C

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

Thinking of all who are in Sandy's path! Stay safe!

I Dream Of said...

Hi Patricia, I'll be sending positive thoughts your way and hope that you and your family weather the storm safely. Take good care! XO

Kwana said...

I sure hope all our surprises are good ones.

BRASWELL said...

PVE, good luck & stay safe + dry.

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Patricia! I hope you and your community stays safe and dry during this storm.

I too am trying to keep to a normal schedule today...

Brooke said...

praying for you! xo

Tawna said...

Yes, please be safe! Thinking of you, my sis, and all others out East.....

vicki archer said...

These are not the kind of surprises that we need... Take care and I hope 'Sandy' retreats very quickly... Thinking of you... xv

annie@mostlovelythings said...

Hope you still have power...we had dinner quite early thinking it was just about to go, but still on. Your pumpkin is dressed quite beautifully! I love those berries. Are they really called porcelain berries?

pve design said...

No power since 6:30....storm is firce.
Full of surprises!

TSL said...

Thinking about whether or not you have power this morning!!!

Unknown said...

I have been thinking of you with concern - sending good wishes and prayers your way - hoping that your power gets restored very soon. xo Sherri

Unknown said...

Humorous pumpkin cartoon. cheers for that.

pressure washing malibu