Monday, October 22, 2012

monday motivation - do the impossible

I love that Walt Disney's entire motivation was based on a mouse and having fun.  Now imagine trying to sell or dream that up?

Did you ever stop to think what or why it's kind of fun to do the impossible?  What is on your list to do that combines both fun and something impossible?  Do share.


the gardener's cottage said...

good morning patricia!

i think i approach most outdoor activities as impossible but yet fun. and extra hard ski run or a brutal hike come to mind. at first i think, no way but when i'm done...i'm like hey that was fun!

happy monday to you!

Sandy at You May Be Wandering said...

Hi Patricia -

Right now turning my blog into some type of business seems like the impossible (in the meantime it IS fun!)

Enjoy this lovely day!!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Hi Patricia,

I love the sentiment :) I cannot think of any specific project I am working on that is both impossible and fun.. However, I know trying to balance life with a 15-month old while also keeping my art career going sometimes seems impossible, but is always full of joy!

Happy Monday, Liz

I Dream Of said...

Putting my closet back together seems impossible (we had it painted and the contents are now spread out all over the guest room bed). I want to use this as an opportunity to clean out and organize, but I'm going to have to think of a way to make it fun or I'll probably keep procrastinating!
Hope you have a lot of fun this week, Patricia. XO

Tawna said...

When I started my interior design business + painting, everyone told me it was improbable; if not impossible in this area. It is still so small, yet I've been working on two offices this year! As another round of "will more work come this way" goes through my mind, I want to say thanks for this note today. Seriously, making a mouse and fun into business? That sounds more impossible than what I want to do. I still don't know how I'll get there, but I'm going to figure it out :). Happy Monday,

Louise @ INGREDIENTS said...

For some reason, this is really inspiring and comforting at the same time. I am going to attempt the impossible next year - going back to college at the age of 40 (by next September). I am scared but I'm determined. Thanks for the post!

The Buzz Blog said...

Getting our families to hike Macchu Pichu seems kin of impossible right now but really fun! Love your Monday inspiration.
C + C

Gail, northern California said...

I finished a 5-mile walk for a third time last Sunday and I'm approaching my 68th birthday next month. Each time I wonder, "Can I do this and not embarrass myself?" ;-) And each time, I'm elated at the finish line.

Kwana said...

This is something fun to think about. Each book I tackle sounds like fun and once started begins to feel impossible until I reach the end. LOL.

Unknown said...

Love that quote by Disney! We just booked a spring trip to take our boys to Disney and Universal for the first time!!! This makes me excited all over again!

xoxo Elizabeth

Jennifer C. Webb said...

an ad for Tony Robbins popped up in your adsense...guess Google/Blogger or whatever thinks I need a life coach ha! Very possible

MJH Design Arts said...

The impossible?? Not sure that the word is in my vocabulary right now. Maybe impossible for the moment, but not in my long range planning. I guess I just wanted to stay focused on growth. Nothing is really impossible. Thanks for making me take stock. xoxo

pve design said...

thanks for all of your comments which make my mission here feel more possible and less impossible.

BRASWELL said...

I agree with Mary nothing is impossible!(in my way of thinking). The word is not in my vocabulary + at least not at this moment + Thank you I needed to look at myself!

Becca - Rebecca Atwood Designs said...

I love the sentiment of this- and feel it's very appropriate for where I'm at right now. Hope all is well with you!

Anonymous said...

Love this. :)