Wednesday, October 24, 2012


What advice would you give to someone looking to own a home?  There is something fun about giving tips to a new home buyer or even hosting a housewarming party for a new home owner.

I guess I have always obsessed over homes which is why I love to illustrate them so much.  In the early evenings, I love to walk and see the glow of lights, the sign of life in homes.  I imagine the soul of the house finding comfort from it's inhabitants.

What would be or what was on your list for your home?  A fireplace, a garage, high ceilings?  Would you want a dead end street?  What sort of amenities would you need?  Would raking leaves appeal to you?

I think this image of the home above conjures up all of the best things that I love about Autumn and coming home.  Take a look over here, sweet-tea-and-crunched-leaves.  Coming home to a warm fire, a pot of tea.  Wishing each of you a happy home-coming.  I hope everyone finds warmth and the joy in their home, especially this time of year.



Bonjour Patricia,
Cette maison est très amusante avec les fenêtres allumées ! Elle donne envie à dessiner !
Moi aussi j'adore les maisons depuis que je suis petite...
Bonne journée,
Céline, french watercolorist.

decorayadora said...

I love you art. You have a new follower from Chile

Acquired Objects said...

Something about the home you pictured is drawing me in. I would tell someone looking to buy a home that it's like a child, endless work but it's so rewarding.


Our French Inspired Home said...

We are in the process of designing our second home right now. What advice would i give??..Run!! Just kidding of course but sometimes all of the planning makes me feel that way. The best piece of advice I could give someone is build a quality home. Yes I realize quality costs more money but do it anyway, even if that means making the home smaller so that quality materials fit into the budget. Have a great day! - Tonya

Kwana said...

This home feels homey. I think feeling homey is the best of all.

quintessence said...

All of the above - thank you! Fall is my favorite time of year here in New England!

Ivy Lane said...

I am blessed as I am a Realtor and get to help people everyday in the home buying process. There is nothing greater than seeing the joy on the faces of new homeowners! It is so much fun touring homes and finding "the one" for a new home buyer. :)

Love the images today!!

ArchitectDesign™ said...

my favorite time of year! my recommendation (as a recent new home buyer) is just to see a whole lot and you'll know it when you see it in your gut. Go with your instincts!

Becca - Rebecca Atwood Designs said...

I love how cozy that house looks!!
I wish for a backyard, a porch, and a cozy home that's not too big so cleaning it doesn't take too long haha. I'd love to have a studio on the first floor, and a big kitchen with room for everyone to come and hang out in. I love big plank hard wood floors, lots of windows to let the sun shine in.

I Dream Of said...

Sending warmth and joy back to you and those in your home, too, Patricia! What a sweet little cottage that is. One couldn't help but be cozy there, I think! XO

Formerly known as Frau said...

I love a warm home one that just welcomes you.

Unknown said...

Like you, I'm very drawn to houses. I think part of the reason for me is that I grew up in various parsonages, owned by the church my father was pastoring at any given time. My family never owned a home of their own, which seems mind blowing to me now that I lovingly slave over my own. Each of the 4 homes Grant and I have owned have been the source of enormous comfort and pride. For me, the ideal home has a fireplace, a staircase, a wonderful kitchen and a yard where you can stretch out. The rest is all gravy. And, I truly believe that you can make any place into a home.

xoxo Elizabeth

Claudia Lane said...

It's a lovely cottage. Warm, creative and comfortable homes are the best. x

LindsB said...

I cant wait to have a home of my very own- I look forward to the day where my husband and I take the leap to start looking!

Oh and right after I purchase my own place (if it is a house and not an apartment) I will be calling you so you can illustrate it for me and mark a special occasion!

Allison said...

My advice, based on experience with buying an older home, is have the sewer line scoped by a professional. That way you know what shape it's in and more importantly where it runs. That knowledge can save you much agony and money down the line. Also, have a roofer inspect the roof. Home inspections rarely, if ever, benefit the buyer.