Friday, August 03, 2012


 Feeling inspired by these sunflowers that I picked up at the local farmers market.
Wishing you a weekend full of beautiful sunshine and sunflowers.


Unknown said...

Sunflowers never cease to bring cheer to my day! Have a wonderful weekend :)

Karena said...

Patricia you have brightened my day with our state flower....always cheering!

Art By Karena
2012 Artists Series

I Dream Of said...

So pretty! Sunflowers are the happiest flowers.
Have a happy weekend, Patricia! XO

Kwana said...

They are so pretty. Wishing you a wonderful weekend too!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Beautiful....Have a gorgeous weekend!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Beautiful! Sunflowers are my favorite flower, I think they are so friendly.

Have a wonderful weekend!

LindsB said...

there is nothing better than a big bunch of farmers market flowers! Such a simple way to bring cheer to a room :)

Ivy Lane said...

Love sunflowers! They remind me of big smiles... Your drawing is lovely too! Happy Weekend!!

Carrie Waller Watercolors said...

Sunflowers are my favorite!!! Feeling inspired:)

The Buzz Blog said...

Happy sunny weekend to you, too!
C + C

Anonymous said...

beautiful, I would love to sew with this as a fabric print!

MJH Design Arts said...

Sunflowers make me happy. Have a wonderful happy, sunny week-end. Mary

Jennifer C. Webb said...

a fresh summer palette

Unknown said...

Its very nice to see,Sunflower is the one of my best friend,thanks for share about the sunflower.

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