Tuesday, August 14, 2012

pink and flowery

A client ordered a monogram.  Her request was pink and flowery;
(Pardon the smudge at the top of the B, I rushed to erase some pencil and the paint had not fully dried.
I was so mad at myself but it was also a great reminder for me to slow down.)
She asked for Pink pansies,

Pink peonies, 
Pink Zinnias.

There are two more monograms that I also created for her.  
In the end the monogram is much simpler than the above works.

Simplicity is such a good working word and so are pink and flowery.
Take time to stop and smell the flowers.

If you would like a pve design monogram, I would be happy to create one for you.
They make wonderful gifts, may be framed, printed on note-cards, embroidered on linen hand towels.
The possibilities are endless.


Formerly known as Frau said...

Love them both.....perfectly pink!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like big, colorful blooms to start the day off right. And the monograms are lovely. I like the second one best.

I have a dear friend who would probably love something like this! I'll ruminate on it and be in touch. :)

Jennifer C. Webb said...

gorgeous...pink and flowery makes me so happy

LPC said...

Lovely work, P.

Stephanie Sabbe said...

LOVE it!! So much! I have to have a little girl one day and order one just like it!

The French Tangerine said...

I can't imagine anything prettier than the one you've included here! SO beautiful! I absolutely love to see your monogram creations.. they are my favorite thing you do..

Ann said...

So very pretty
as all your works.

LindsB said...

So so beautiful- I love the two monograms you did for her, perfect and pink for sure!

annie@mostlovelythings said...

I adore your monograms...but these in pink are amazing!!

Unknown said...

Very nice pink flowers! thanks for sharing the blog.Keep on updating the blog.

domy drewniane