Tuesday, August 07, 2012

guys and grills

During the summer months we love to take advantage of our grill.  This evening, I plan to grill shrimp.
Do you grill during the summer or is it purely a "guy" thing to man the grill?
pve design illustration for sheridan road magazine.


Formerly known as Frau said...

We grill a lot but when I say we I mean my hubby....I haven't a clue how to grill! Happy Tuesday!

Diane said...

I love cooking on the grill! Have even learned to do pizza on the grill on baking stones -- comes out great! One of my favorite grilling recipes is Barefoot Contessa's Tuscan Lemon Chicken. Also like to use mesquite chips -- I think they add a nice flavor and are easy to use. Enjoy your grilled shrimp tonight -- we don't make that anymore since our son developed a shellfish allergy a few years back...

Jennifer C. Webb said...

what a chic grill master...the grill is my husband's domain. Love that pop of red against the blue

My Notting Hill said...

My husband does all the cooking - grill too. He's so good and I am so not!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

Love the illustration :) However in my house, the one with the apron on is me :) My wonderful husband does not feel comfortable grilling, and leaves it to me...

Yum, grilled shrimp sounds wonderful, maybe something to plan for the weekend....


LindsB said...

I wish we could grill more than we do- but we have wait till we go to friends houses in the burbs to grill out. Grilling on the sidewalk is not as fun :)

Acquired Objects said...

I'm always up for keeping the heat out of the kitchen. We grill several times a week but I do the grilling. The husband never thinks things have been on long enough and this comes from a man who likes things rare. Love your painting.


pve design said...

Thanks to each of you who grill....I successfully grilled the shrimp and some chicken too. My dear is on his way home....he does love to grill on the weekends.

Lois said...

This lady loves to grill! Husband and I take turns - one of us making sides and sauces, the other manning (or "womanninng"!) the grill. We have a charcoal grill an I love getting the fire going, nursing the coals - one of our favorite summer activities!

MJH Design Arts said...

Hi Patricia, I love the vision of the grillmaster. For years I was in charge of our grill--now my son-in-love is in charge and he loves to grill. Vegetables are his specialty. Meats are usually a little too done. But I am so grateful to have handed over the reins. Mary

Michelle said...

I love to grill...it's not hubby's thing. And I love this painting too :)
Happy Summer!!

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

Love your illustration! I leave the grilling to my guy.... unless you like yours charred. :)

Anonymous said...

That's totally me...popped collar, glasses, and all! And I'm proud to say, I'm the king of the grill in my neighborhood. I seldom do anything fancy, but that's the beauty of grilling...you don't really need to.

Hitchhiker42 said...

I love my little iron hibachi. It is made by Lodge Cast Iron. It's perfect for skewers of teryaki beef, gourmet sausages, and of course burgers. Since there is no lid, the fire can go kind of hot... so chicken is a bit of a challenge. It has to be a low fire and slow cooked otherwise the fat drips and the flare-ups turn the meal into Cajun (blackened) Chicken. Which... is good if you like extra charcoal with your meat. (Grin)

Unknown said...

The image establish very natural thoughts and it is very simple and cute too.
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