Monday, August 20, 2012


pve design - pet portrait of Fletcher
pve design - pet portrait scanned artwork
This pet portrait commission was done of "Fletcher" for a client to give to her Mom for her birthday today.  I must admit, I fell in love with Fletcher while I was working on this one.  What a cutie-pie.
The top is how the artwork looks and the bottom one is the scan of the artwork which I played around with. I think it has a fun graphic feel to it and would be great printed on a tee shirt.

Signing off for a few days to enjoy Summer.  Back friday.


Mr Paul said...

I want a Fletcher too!

Anonymous said...

Fletcher is adorable!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Love it....he is a doll! Enjoy your week!

Jennifer C. Webb said...

you can really do it all, love it! Did you do the lettering by hand, lovely

Joyce said...

Not only a cutie so is his name. Beautiful my friend. Her mom is one lucky lady. Enjoy my friend!! xo

ArchitectDesign™ said...

enjoy your week off! He IS a cutie!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

He is soooo cute!

Enjoy your time off :)


Dana said...

You did a fantastic job! I know how difficult pet portraits can be. Love this.~

I Dream Of said...

I think I'm in love with Fletcher, too. What a cutie. Love the portrait and the scan. What happy clients you must have! XO

LindsB said...

Such a cute name for a super cute pup!

MJH Design Arts said...

Fletcher is adorable. I can imagine that back to school final few days. Have a great time. Mary

Lisa Mende said...

I adore this! so precious Patricia!

Crissy @ House of Marlowe said...

What a darling piece..... how could you not fall for Fletcher? :)

Acquired Objects said...

Fletcher is so cute and you did a wonderful job with him Patricia. Ok that's it I need a picture of Dylan dog for Mister man's Christmas present! It'll be Dylan's gift to his Dad.


Unknown said...

He is absolutely precious!!! I'll bet it's one of the best gifts her mom has ever received!

Enjoy time with your family!
xoxo Elizabeth

Unknown said...

Happy summer to you Patricia! Love your pet portrait, it's just wonderful!

xo Mary Jo

Alex B.H. said...
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Alex B.H. said...

Wow, so impressive! I love how you did the hair. You can really feel the movement!

The Snowdrop Project said...

Fletcher is so handsome!
His owner must have been thrilled with his portrait.
Have a lovely day,

Melissa Blake said...

Awww, Fletcher is adorable!!

Unknown said...

Pretty insightful post. Never thought that it was this simple after all. I had spent a good picture of my time looking for someone to explain this subject clearly and you’re the only one that ever did that.

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