Wednesday, August 08, 2012

bragging rights

Yesterday I had posted the illustration -"Grilled Shrimp" which was done for Sheridan Road Magazine,  The Good Eats article.  In the mail, was the latest issue with the artwork.  Like a peacock, we all deserve some time to strut our stuff.  Pardon me, just a little shameless self promotion.  Let's just call it pve design bragging rights.


Anonymous said...

Well done, Patricia--if you'll excuse the pun! ;)

La Maison Fou said...

Great news ...well deserved too! Congrats Patricia.

pve design said...

Thanks so much for your kind comments.
Hope you are having a nice summer.

Thank-you. Everyone deserves a huge hug for all the support and kind enthusiasm towards their work, keeping a blog while raising a family, right?
Happy summer to you.

The Buzz Blog said...

And you should absolutely toot your own horn! What a great spread made only better by your talented work.
C + C

pve design said...

C & C,
Thanks ladies! Your comments are like lovely posies in my pocket.
Happy summer - hope you are finding time to blossom.
Lot of "wilting" going on around here.

Tawna said...

How exciting. As always, they are wonderful. You toot that horn! And I've returned the favor this are added to my blogroll. Sometime I would love you to share some of your beautiful illustrations on the blog.
Keep up all the great work,

pve design said...

Thank-you dear. I appreciate all your kind words.
I can't wait to see your Master Bath reveal....

Thanks so much. Yes, please, love to have you share my work with your blog friends.

Grace (The Stripe) said...

Congratulations, Patricia - this is so cool!!!

Formerly known as Frau said...

Congrats.....strut away! Love the layout.

Jennifer C. Webb said...

brag away, well deserved!

eLIZabeth Floyd said...

I concur, sharing this photo is not bragging, instead you are sharing the good news and asking us to join in on the fun!

Congratulations, your illustrations are great and deserve to be seen in print.

Hope you are having a fun summer day,

LindsB said...

That is so awesome, I love seeing your work in the glossies :)

Glad you got the package! No note is necessary at all, besides it was my original thank you note that was wayyyyy overdue :)

the gardener's cottage said...

you go girl. you are one of the most modest people in blog land. if it were me, i'd prob hire a skywriter!

annie@mostlovelythings said...

Your beautiful illustrations makes the article! It still must be fun to get your copy in the mail and see your illustrations in print.

Silver Magpies said...

Congratulations Patricia! :-). A well-deserved thrill...for all of us.

MJH Design Arts said...

WE definitely need to strut our stuff! Love those illustrations. Mary

Anonymous said...


An Urban Cottage said...

Yay for you! When I saw that image my first thought was that it was very commercial and could be used in a Williams Sonoma catalog. That' SO cool!

Unknown said...

I am not surprised your art is featured. Bravo! You deserve it, Patricia.

Diane said...

Must be very rewarding to see your work recognized professionally. Congrats and thanks for sharing all your lovely artwork with us!

labergerebasque said...


Hitchhiker42 said...

That is a great illustration. So, does this have anything to do with the TV show Good Eats? I love watching Alton Brown. He's my hero.

Michelle said...

congrats! your illustrations always make me smile :)

LPC said...

It's lovely, and you deserve all possible pride.

pve design said...

THANK-YOU! I love all your kind comments and knowing that I have a cheering section.